138 — CAMILA

After forty-five minutes of thankfully uninterrupted struggling, Alex was finally able to get the safe open.

“Hello, Mr. Gustavo. Welcome.” A female, robotic voice greeted as he pulled open the safe’s door.

Gustavo? Wasn’t it supposed to be Mendez? Gustavo was the clone.

Alex stored that little information away to use it later.

He was already tingling with anticipation of what he would find inside, but his excitement dwindled when he looked in and only saw a journal which was eerily similar to the one he’d gotten last night.

“What?” He muttered to himself. “What the hell is going on here?”

After blinking to make sure he wasn’t dreaming, he poked his head into the safe and sure enough, there were no inheritance documents or jewellery. All he could find was the journal.

“This better be a bad joke.” He muttered to himself as he pulled out the journal.

However, the moment he stretched his hand into the safe, all hell broke loose.

Suddenly, red lights flashed from specific corners of th
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