Chapter 161. He likes Larosa but he just screwed it up.
The atmosphere in the room became tense as Fabio's smile suddenly vanished, replaced by a scowl. His eyes narrowed, and his voice took on a menacing tone. The air seemed to vibrate with his anger, making it hard for anyone to breathe. All of them were surprised by his words and demeanor. There was no atom of apology in his eyes.

Larosa's face was flushed with rage, her eyes blazing and her hands clenched into fists, as if she were about to explode. George's expression was stern, his eyes flashing with disapproval about what just happened.

The room fell silent, the only sound the heavy breathing of the people present, as if time had stopped and all that existed was the tension between Fabio and the others.

Fabio's words hung in the air like a challenge, his defiance and arrogance palpable in the air. It was clear that he was not used to being questioned or opposed, and he would not back down without a fight or even apologize for what just happened.

The others seemed to be waiting for so
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