Chapter 2. Break his nose.



Luca stared at Mia for some moments, the same woman to whom he had given his heart and done everything within his power to please.

His gaze wandered to Owen, who was still grinning from ear to ear. Anger flickered on his face immediately upon seeing the stupid smirk on Owen's face. Well, he didn't blame him. Of course, Owen had everything at the snap of his fingers, while Luca only had Mia, who was definitely leaving his broke ass today!

At this point, Luca could only see how the poor get trampled on by the rich. It wasn't the first time he had seen it or heard of it, but this was different. It was supposed to be the poor supporting the poor, but Mia was doing the opposite.

"If you want that elevation, then you'll go down on your poverty-stricken knees and lick those Prada shoes!" Owen smiled and taunted.

Luca didn't pay him any attention. Instead, he turned to Mia and asked, "What is all of this?"

"Hey!" Owen snapped his fingers in the air to get Luca's attention. "Don't talk to my woman without my permission, okay?"

Mia's lips formed a confident, curved smile as she moved closer and held onto Owen's arm.

That made Luca's heart ache even more. She was holding another man in his presence! The pathetic part of the whole ordeal was that he had thought she loved him as much as he loved her. But no, all this time she was just managing him until she could catch a bigger fish.

Debby couldn't hide her broad smile as she watched Luca get embarrassed. He just didn't understand why she hated him that much. If he wasn't against being abusive, he would have taught her a good lesson.

He almost burst into tears, but he blinked back his tears and swallowed them down.

"Poor thing!" Owen taunted again. "Bend those poor knees and lick your way into millionaire status. No woman wants to stay with a poverty-stricken man like you, so lick your way to grace and become a millionaire!"

"Look around you, what do you see? Look at your ex-girlfriend. You couldn't even get a blowjob from her, let alone fuck her," he said mockingly.

It was ironic to Luca since he knew how much of a whore Mia was whenever she saw his naked body. But what was the point of saying it in a place filled with his haters?

"What are you waiting for?" Debby asked with raised eyebrows.

"Bend those knees quickly so you can lick your way into that millionaire status. Don't tell me you have pride or dignity. Well, there is dignity in labor," Debby laughed, making the whole crowd join in the roar of laughter.

Hundreds of phone lights flickered in Luca's face as he stood there, embarrassed. He wished he could just teleport himself out of this place. He thought it was just the videos being taken, but unknown to him, it was being broadcast on one of the country's biggest live stations.

"How do I know you'll fulfill your promises once I lick your shoes?" Luca suddenly asked.

Owen laughed for a moment before replying, "Hey, don't be dumb. I'm Owen Carter! This is being broadcast on a live station, so you'll have enough evidence you want. So go down, boy, and lick your way into millionaire status."

Luca's throat went dry, and his Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he gulped. Finally, he reluctantly bent down to do as instructed.

Camera lights increased, and many guests zoomed in with their cameras. Of course, this was the highlight of the moment, and they didn't want to miss out.

When Luca reached the point of licking the shoes, he looked up at Owen and noticed the proud smirk on his face. Without hesitation, Luca rose up and delivered a punch to Owen's nose!

Owen stumbled back, his eyes rolling, unable to grasp anything as blood rolled down his face onto his expensive attire. Everyone, including Luca, was stunned. Luca had intended to break his nose, but he just wanted to give him a taste of what he was made of, even if he didn't have money.

Luca did break Owen's nose!

Before Luca could fully grasp what was going on, about ten fully built men marched forward. He took off running before they could catch up with him, but it was already too late. They managed to grab one of his arms and took control from there.

The first man punched him in the face, causing Luca to fall back to the ground. Wincing in pain, he instinctively covered the affected area with both palms. Before the second punch could land, Luca quickly got back on his feet and fled. He ran as fast as he could, and they couldn't keep up with his pace, eventually retreating.

At Apple's club,

Luca gestured for the twelfth cup of hard tequila to be poured into his glass. The bartender didn't care. After all, it wasn't just a bar; it was a freaking club, and many people wanted to get high to the point of no return so they could do the craziest things.But for Luca, he was trying to gather himself and process how unfair life had been to him.

This was his twelfth cup, and he began to feel tipsy after his seventh, but he refused to stop. He could still remember the name Mia! Now, he was completely wasted, sitting in a chair, tightly gripping his tequila glass as if his life depended on it. His eyes were closed tightly as he fell into a deep sleep.

Soon, a woman with a slender and curvy figure emerged from inside the club. It was already around 3:30 am, and the club was closed. She wore a custom Dolce & Gabbana outfit, with expensive jewelry adorning her neck. Her brown hair complemented the color of her outfit.

She was the owner of the club and he name is Sara Edward!

"How are the preparations going? Have you guys found someone for tonight's ordeal?" she shouted, annoyed.

The men all froze in their respective tasks, while the women stood stiffly.

Was she really that strict?

She walked towards the center with a frowned face, and her eyes fell upon Luca. She regarded him for a moment before asking, "Whose motherfucker is about to spend the night in my club?"

"I think..." one of the staff members trailed off, but she cut him short.

"Take him to my room!" she commanded.

"Ma'am?" the guy raised a brow.

The guy gestured to two other men, and they quickly walked over to Luca and carried him on one of their backs, preparing to leave.

"Put him down there and make sure you strip him naked on my bed!" A satisfied smirk appeared on her face as she said that.

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