He wasn't supposed to be moving, but he was doing so.

Derek Campton stared at him, then opened a bag that was at the back of the truck. Retrieving a syringe and a needle, he gave him one shot. Mark Darius knew what it was. Painkillers.

“It's going to kick in a few minutes. It'll give you all the time you need to go after her. You're really in bad shape, man. I've already done my best in convincing you to go to the hospital. Any decision you make at this point is solely yours, I hope?”

Nodding, Mark Darius opened the car, slipping out of it. It was time.


When Jenett Darius heard the knock on her door, she stood up, hoping that it was her son even though she was expecting Margaret Woods already.

Opening the door, she hid her disappointment with a brilliant smile. She was afraid but she was trying to pretend that everything was alright. Brown never failed to send a text when he was going to be away from home for a period of time.

And the fact that she was trying to
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