
As Ethan and Amelia stepped into the night, poised to execute their plan against Damien and his gang, they couldn't have anticipated the unforeseen catastrophe that was about to unfold. The ground beneath their feet trembled, sending an ominous shiver up their spines, like the first tremors of an earthquake. They barely had time to exchange a puzzled look before a thunderous roar shattered the silence, a sound that seemed to reverberate through the very marrow of their bones.

With the force of a thousand cannonballs, the explosion tore through the heart of the slums, sending a shockwave of searing heat and blinding light that consumed everything in its path. The night sky was instantly illuminated by a fiery blaze, casting an eerie, blood-orange hue over the crumbled ruins and scattered debris. The air was filled with the acrid stench of smoke and the screams of the injured and terrified.

For a moment, Ethan and Amelia stood rooted to the spot, their eyes wide with horror as they stru
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