118: Never Regret Your Decision!

"No, No. That's impossible!" Felix scoffed when he heard Philip's side of the story.

"The police told me you got promoted after investigating and turning in the fake report about it company!"

"By Police, you mean inspector Charles?" Philip asked him. "That bastard was driven by envy to set me up and heap a lot of false allegations against me! He turned the while station against me that had to flee for my safety!"

"Believe me, Felix. While you were out fighting for your company, I was actually fighting for my life!"

Felix stared at his old friend for a while before taking in a deep breath and looking away.

"This Charles, where is he right now?"

Philip clenched his fists at the thought of his nemesis. "Serving as the deputy inspector and still corrupting the Police force with his evils! He was one of the people that forged the document presented at Walters Corporations recently!"

"What?" Isaac suddenly butted in. "A member of the police aided in forgery? What the heck has the police do
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