Chapter 67: Rewards

Marco listened carefully to the Music.

“Hierre, push the Button again - but push it harder this time,” Marco ordered.

Hierre listened and pressed the Button as instructed.

“Hm… still… it’s not it,” Marco mumbled. “Kuya Rudolph, please change the Piece to another one.”

Rudolph followed. They tried the different pieces remaining in the pile. After multiple trials…

“Hey! That one! I think that’s the one!” Marco exclaimed. “All of the Instruments are ready now. Hierre and Kuya Rudolph, you’ll be the ‘Tenor Team’.”

Hierre and Rudolph accepted.

The Music hasn’t ended yet; Marco continued listening. This time, he is analyzing the Tempo and the different Elements of the Music. He is tapping his fingers in rhythm with

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