Victor's eyes blinked open as he roused from his restless slumber. Weariness clung to his body, a heavy blanket of fatigue that seemed to have become a constant companion. He sighed deeply, wondering how he would ever find his way through the labyrinthine challenges that surrounded him. The weight of his decisions bore down on him, leaving him feeling as if he were drowning in a sea of complications.

Rolling out of bed, Victor stretched his stiff limbs before heading downstairs, his stomach rumbling with hunger. As he descended, the aroma of food reached him, drawing his attention to the kitchen where Antonia was busy preparing a meal.

"What poison is this?" The words slipped from his lips before he could temper them, a mixture of weariness and sarcasm lacing his tone. He felt a pang of guilt at his words, recognizing that they weren't exactly the warmest greeting.

Antonia looked up from her task, a hint of irritation flashing in her eyes at his less-than-friendly comment. She had h
Angel Grace

Dear readers please support my other book System Rebirth: Rise of the Forsaken Heir. For now, The Shadow Man is still being edit and will update soon.

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