Chapter 120

Yes. It felt really different now. He would happily erase his mind off every thing he had just witnessed. He took a deep breath.

The spaces were crowded, the rooms must have been flushed out with some information. Students were never always so willing to be outside.

Although he was thankful for the dissipation of the cold he felt, he worried over the things that may happen around with no knowledge he has of.

The scattered groups that saturated his path made it harder for his eyes to sight the whereabouts of his friends.

His eyes listened and brought into focus Jiro, “Not him.” He sneered.

He engaged his eyes in continuous search, advancing forwards with his head higher than it should be.

“Sorry,” Kakashi bumped into one of the students from behind.


“What?” His lips left a gap, his pupils dilated. His head shuffled the same faces in a quickfire scan.

“REMEMBER ME?” Their voices spoke at once in an echo, their feet crashing loudly at him like the marching of an army to war.
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