Chapter 9

The moment the referee’s voice was heard, Kakashi opened his mouth to surrender, but his words were cut short as the girl closed in on him with superhuman speed and connected a blow to his jaw.

The blow connected neatly to his jaw, lifted him off the floor and sent him flying a few metres backwards. Kakashi landed on the floor with his fingers rubbing his jaw.

He could have sworn he heard it cracked the moment the girl’s fist connected to it. Kakashi picked himself off the floor and attempted to surrender, but the girl closed the gap once more at tremendous speed and sent Kakashi flying further back with a single punch.

Jiro Shoei wondered why Kakashi hadn’t surrendered like he had told him to. Now he was on the brink of letting the demon in him out. Not a good way to start school at Godlinkers High.

‘This girl is not letting my surrender come easy’ Kakashi thought as he wiped the drool from his lips. He made to stand up but he could only fall back on his butt as his knees had other
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