chapter 136

The forest stood tall, its ancient trees reaching towards the sky like guardians of nature. The rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds filled the air, adding to the symphony of nature's music. Sunlight was birthed in place of darkness, and it peeked through the nestling of open leaves, casting a disco light of shades of shadows.

"It's sunrise. We have to move faster before they get to us." Jiro voiced.

Daichi shook his head in disagreement.

"Where do we move to? We need to leave. There is nothing here." Zoa turned around with a swift spin.

"We have to make sure. What do we present to your father when we get to him?" Jiro's tone was commanding, a ting of superiority coloring it.

Zoa clenched her jaws, uncertain of what she just heard. She glanced back at Jiro with her face mirroring the reflection of her irritation.

"What did you just say?" Her voice was firm with audible irritation.

"I said--"

"Why don't we all just calm down? We are one, right? At least we
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