“Tell me, what is the case about? What happened exactly?” Santos said this with his hands clasped on the desk and his eyes focused on Victor.

“The thing is, a student of mine went missing two days ago; his name is Kacy Turner, and we looked for him but couldn’t find him anywhere. The police are currently looking for him, but there's been no progress. I happened to overhear a conversation with the principal of the high school and found it suspicious, so I snuck into his office after school hours and hacked into his computer. I know it’s illegal to do that, but I just needed an answer."

“I understand, but what did you find after you hacked into his computer?”

“Everything is in this drive over here; you can have a look for yourself,” Victor handed the drive to him.

Santos placed the drive on the laptop on his desk. He started going through the documents on the drive as his eyes opened wide. “What the hell!” He yelled.

“What is it?” Victor wondered why he yelled like that.

“There are a co
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