
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the sky, Victor escorted Kacy Turner to his house for their first tutoring session. The gentle hum of the car engine filled the comfortable silence between them as they drove through the tranquil streets.

Upon arriving, Victor welcomed Kacy into his home, leading him to a cozy study area prepared with textbooks, notebooks, and a whiteboard. The room exuded an air of quiet focus and a welcoming atmosphere, setting the stage for their mathematics lesson. Victor had planned to take him home from school for their first lesson with his parents. He offered Kacy food and drinks and wanted him to be comfortable before they began their first lesson.

"Alright, Kacy, today we'll be diving into quadratic equations," Victor announced, his tone encouraging as he prepared to impart his knowledge to his student.

However, as Victor began explaining the concepts and solving equations, he noticed Kacy's furrowed brow and distant
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