After breathing the drug in, Vincent quickly felt the effects. The feeling was it was if he was flying up the clouds as his body feels lighter than normal. His surroundings are becoming rubbery and is just like floating around him,

“I have now cleared my suspicions. Now, the slaves will be put into a big container truck that is provided by our group for free. The truck and the slaves will be waiting at the parking lot. Thank you for the business, and I hope to meet you again.” Rafael smiled, but before he could leave, Vincent suddenly called him.

Despite how high he is right now, he is still in his right mind as of now,

“Can I know the other trafficking groups here? I’m new, so I want to *hiccup* explore.” Vincent says as he is now hiccupping a lot which is an uncanny effect of having some crack.

“Toliver, give him the list. This man will give you everything you need to know, thank you again.” Then Rafael left the

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