In the manor of Miles, Jonathan is in his office, working on some documents of their businesses. Since he is also the one handling the businesses of his children, it is quite a handful. But it is all okay for him as he understands the struggles of being a hero and wanting to start a business for their future. Because people currently serving heroes can’t hold any business or jobs except for heroism, it is just fine fore Jonathan as this is his only way to help his children with their struggles. He is now signing some documents from the business that Sophia invested in which involves construction materials and many more. The only one who haven’t invested in a business yet is the youngest one, Vincent. He didn’t really invest in something, but he asked him one time when he called that 10% of Vincent’s monthly income from their company shares should go to charities. And that will Jonathan do once he is over with these new documents from Sophia’s business.

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