Flames shed tears as his old friend just passed away in front of him. Even though they were once enemies, their battles have paved the way for them to become friends eventually. Flames then remembered the day the two first met. His head was held high as he is the King of the Phoenixes. But the dragons in front of him are also full of pride as they are regarded as gods back then. Kidlat and Kulog were the gods of calamity. The twin dragons who can control natural disasters. The two does not cause any troubles back then, and when they are hungry, they just hunt down the monsters who has no knowledge at all. But since because of his thirst for more power and popularity, Flames stormed into the cave where the two resides and then provoked them. The fight went on for 5 months straight without any rest. Their battles caused the nearby villages to evacuate as they are causing up disasters after disasters. After 5 months, the fight stopped as the two got along surprisingly. Both parties hav

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