Vincent flew across the city along with the soaring eagles who were sort of greeting him, since David went back to Rockmington to get back to work as Vincent will be staying here until the mission is over. The division will still send Vincent his work so that it can be signed by the commander himself even though they are far away. Vincent arrived at the gates of the hill, and with him being immediately recognized by the guards, they bowed first at him as they opened the gates for their master. Vincent smiled again then he flew away towards their manor up the hill. He reached the large black gate of their manor which opens by itself now when it detects someone with the Miles blood. The guards lined up as one of their masters has just arrived,

“Good day, master Vincent!” greeted the guards and other workers who welcomed Vincent.

The young hero smiled at them and asked them to drop the honorifics when it is with him, since he is very uncomfortable being praise

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