Vincent and the assistant then reached the training grounds of the school. Jonathan was waiting there, dresser up in a non-formal attire. The assistant told Vincent to go and change his clothes in the locker first, and Vincent did. He wore their training attires, which is the black tracksuit with high quality sneakers. He just hopes that this clothes that he is wearing are all fire resistant, because if not, then he’ll be absolutely naked later. He went back to the grounds and there at the middle he met with Jonathan. The headmaster turned around and gave Vincent a smile,

“Congratulations on winning the Showdown, Vincent. And just like I said, I willing be training your powers.” Says Jonathan.

It turns out that the winners or champions will have chance to be personally trained by their headmaster. It’s a tradition that is being used by the 5 Academies. And Jonathan will still train Vincent even if he didn’t win, because to him, the power o

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