Vincent woke up the next day with someone banging on his door. He stood up his bed on the floor, tied his hair back and then wore his glasses. He grabbed a white shirt that was hanged on the couch and he wore it. He was also rubbing his eyes under his glasses as he approached the door. Vincent opened it to see a very pissed Sophia who immediately pinched Vincent’s ear and dragged him back inside. Sophia turned on the lights and was just disappointed to see a very messy room. Clothes are everywhere, so does bags of chips and some soda cans. There’s also undone dishes in the sink and some smelly socks all over the floor. Vincent is a slob. And Sophia was just surprised as no one on their family is like this. All pf them are clean and always organizing their stuff to avoid this kind of situation,

Sophia sighed then she let go of the already red ear of Vincent,

“What’s your problem?!” Vincent snapped.

“Clean your room before noon.

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