Vincent has now finally finished slaying all of the criminal inside the library. There’re a lot of them. Vincent identified everyone as criminals, as he doesn’t want to kill any innocent people. After finishing up in the lobby area, Vincent put his sword back in its scabbard and went on his way to the library utility room, because that’s where Champ was. He wiped his face off that is covered in blood with a cloth that he found on a table. He didn’t even notice that he was covered in blood, until now. Vincent turned into the left corner and then entered this hallway that is headed towards the utility room. And then, a few more criminals blocked Vincent’s way. Vincent drew his sword, but immediately put it back on the scabbard, as he needs at least some of them alive for investigation. He is going to make them proof that he only did the justifiable homicide, in which he killed people out of self-defense and in the name of justice itself. He recognized the

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