After a few minutes, there has now been a plan that is set to happen in just a few minutes. An infiltration team was assigned to launch an assault deep underground, with Vincent as the leader. There are 20 people who are in the infiltration team and they are all changing their clothes now. Vincent changed into his normal clothes, which is black jeans and sneakers with a white shirt. His sword was in the headmaster’s office, he accidentally left it there. But it doesn’t matter, he has his fist of fire. Once everyone was ready, the team gathered into the wide space again. Kristine went to get Eric who was in his office. And as she opened the door, she saw that Eric was in a phone call, but since she entered so suddenly, he jumped and was startled,

“Who’re you talking to?” Kristine asked.

“Uh, t-the sabotager.” Eric answered.

Kristine nodded,

“Well, they’re waiting for you in the wide space.&rdqu

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