With all of them running at their full speed, Michael and Vincent reached the 2nd Division HQ within 3 minutes. This HQ is big and looks like a normal police station or a municipal hall. Vincent and Michael passed through the automatic sliding doors and went inside the HQ. And just like Vincent has expected, everyone inside this HQ is pretty busy since this squad is the number one, it is normal to be this hectic. People wearing capes which means that they’re heroes and carrying dozens of papers.

“Go to the assistance desk and say that you’re an intern, then they will give you another badge that is only given by us.” Says Michael then Vincent followed.

He went to the assistance desk and said what Michael has told him. The woman who was wearing a white attire stood up, brought out a gun like material then pointed it at Vincent’s forehead. Vincent thought for a second that it was a real gun when a green light suddenly burst out of

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