Just like Vincent said, he created a wall behind their enemies so that a lot a lot will be prevented to cross the wall of fire. It surprised everyone, as they are still amazed by the fact that Vincent already can summon fire from a distance. The nobles who joined earlier only has one reason on joining. According to them, they had enough of the discrimination and cruelty of the Council. They are here to help put a stop to this madness. Vincent allowed them, as if he didn’t, they would still fight as nobles are stubborn people. Everyone then went on defensive. Sophia and her group are doing their job on luring the other enemies away from the Queen’s Building. They are avoiding an early fight, what they need to do is to just lure these criminals away. As it will a be a waste of energy and stamina if they even tried to fight here. Despite being only small fries, they will still use their energies for uselessness. The individuals split up, and Vincent stayed

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