It’s 5 in the morning and bells all over the Academy was ringing. Vincent woke up and took a quick shower then brush his teeth. He then wears black jeans and a white shirt then wore his glasses on. He waited until 6 AM, and as the clock reaches 6, he lifted his duffel bag and went outside. Vincent immediately saw thousands of students all gathered and walking out the Academy. He then saw Sophia waiting for him in front of their dorm, Vincent went down and meet her there. She scolded him for being a sleepy head and then they went on their way to exit the Academy. Vincent was wondering if they will commute since it’s hours of travel to reach their manor. He was zoning out when someone suddenly was screaming behind him,

“MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY!” yelled the man and since he thought it was nothing, Vincent stepped forward when Sophia stopped him.

She didn’t tell Vincent why she stopped him, but Vincent stood there besides her. And then the

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