Angela and Vincent warmed up a little bit since it won’t be a easy fight since both of the siblings are strong. Even though Angela is a Commander, he wouldn’t underestimate Vincent, so he is trying his best to get loosened so that he can fight his brother and show him the strength of a Division Commander. Angela saw the strength of Vincent and have heard of it; he saw Vincent’s fight on the television and it impressed him very much. The fact that Vincent defeated 2 criminals with powers of immobilization alone, is a feat that you can’t just ignore. Vincent is strong, and maybe he becomes extremely strong when fighting stronger opponents. But little did Vincent know what Angela’s real intentions were. He was about to test the capabilities of his brother when it come to fighting stronger opponents, so in this way, they would know if Vincent really deserves to be invited to their beloved squad. And as they finished fully warming up, they went into

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