Vincent and Francine were arguing with each other as they weren’t sure whether this girl was a spy or not. And even though Vincent was the one the first-class is targeting, he still insisted on letting the girl stay and think of a plan if this girl is really a spy. They argued about that subject the whole night. The next day, Vincent went off to hunt for game while Francine made some woolen clothes. After an hour, Vincent arrived with 4 deer on his shoulder. He put the deer down and then they suddenly heard the cabin’s floor creaking. The door suddenly flung opened and the girl who was named Olivia came out while rubbing her eyes. She then opened her eyes fully and saw Vincent in front of her. She immediately activated her powers and began attacking Vincent with her wind powers. Francine then did something that stopped the girl from attacking. Francine calmed her down but was useless as this girl wanted to attack Vincent. But what Vincent noticed was that this g

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