After greeting the father of Michael, he welcomed them to their home. Vincent took off his shoes and just went inside with his socks on. The floor was wooden yet shiny, it looks like a slippery floor, but it was not. The house is mostly made out of wood and it is quite big. Vincent then can hear loud sounds like bamboo swords clashing at each other. So, he came up with a conclusion that this house is also a training facility for the samurai.

“You’ll see those who train later, but first, let me introduce myself,” we stopped in the hallway as this gray-haired man turned and then bowed then quickly raised his head,

“Abraham Pole, pleasure to meet you.” He greeted.

Vincent also bowed down since he thinks that it is a sign of respect or anything,

“Vincent Miles, glad to be in your care.” Vincent replied.

Abraham smiled as he watched the incident last night, and he was just very impressed by the fact that Vincent

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