Making her bleed must’ve pissed her off, as she started to attack Vincent aggressively than before. With two weapons using against Vincent is proving to be an absolute challenge. Vincent can’t quite get the timing to counter attack her sometimes, but he can still go along. It was like a hurricane and a snowstorm clashing at each other. Because Fubuki literally means snowstorm and Vincent is the hurricane because of his swift movements and great attacks. In other words, this is a clash between the two of the strongest sword or katana users, it’s a battle that everyone must see. Sparks can be seen as their weapons hit each other. Neither of them will yield to the other,

“Uh, this battle will-”

“End any moment now. Going all out like this will drain their stamina and then –”

Abraham was forced to stop on what he was about to say when the two broke apart. Ichika then put one of her k

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