Eleanor then swung her sword forward, and when that didn’t work, she tried again by swinging her sword to the gut of Isabel, trying to catch her off-guard. But the guard of Isabel are just too tight, and Eleanor can barely see openings. Even if she earnestly tries to break the defense, it was just too strong. Both defense and offense are what Isabel is boasting, she is overconfident that a wimp like Eleanor James wouldn’t be able to beat someone like her who has the mark of their lord. Isabel is clearly underestimating Eleanor, and the freshman swordswoman is not happy about that. The only thing she hates most are people who underestimates her. She has been there and has experienced that. She can remember crystal clear her sufferings in the past. She was orphaned at a young age of 7. Having her family killed in a car crash, along with her two brothers, she was left alone. She was born in a wealthy family, however, when her parents died, her other relatives, took advantage of it and th
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