The revered Mr. Arthur Phoenix, the richest man that is outside of a noble household. He is widely known as the Demon Lord when it comes to business and has a lot of influence and connections. And one of those connections is apparently the President of the world. That is a direct connection, not some puny ones. With that reveal, the whole room was rendered silent. They dared not to speak. But the person who is most stunned by this is Jessica, his fiancé,

“Vincent, what are you talking about?” Violet asked as she stood up.

“You heard me. Arthur Phoenix is the mastermind of the operations of the gambling center and may be behind some of the most notorious crimes in the world. This is not a speculation or a hunch, it’s the truth.” Vincent then proceeded to tell them how he came up with this conclusion.

Him in the vents, overhearing, sensing, and determining, he is confident of his reveal,

“Vincent, you know quite well who Mr. Phoenix is. He is a respected and revered man who even donates
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