A month later, a messenger found Valkyrie as she was finishing training with the fortress dagger master.
She thanked the boy who was not much younger than herself and tore open the letter.
Meet me at eleven hour in the cave where we first spoke.
Morgessa. Val knew of no one else who would summon her in such a way. She thanked her instructor and performed the customary fist-to-heart salute the soldiers all used for those of rank before heading towards the cave she had entered before. While she knew where the entrance was deep in the catacombs under the fortress, that passage required the sacrifice of a Scath to enter.
As she slid unseen into the dark cave, her vision adjusted as it had before, with the cold of the walls contrasting only slightly with the cool air. She made her way to the larger cave with the magma pool and spotted Morgessa’s heat signature at the base of the rise she emerged on. she slid over the edge and dropped to the ground, kneeling head bowed on one knee before mistress Morgessa.
“You summoned?”
“Valkyrie. It’s a unique name. one fitting the bearer of Azrael’s spark.”
Val remained silent, unsure how to respond.
Morgessa smirked, “You have learned well if you remain silent when unsure what to say. Most feel the need to fill the silence with nonsense, fearing the quiet.”
When Val still did not react, Morgessa nodded. “I summoned you because you have already shown great potential, but you also have shown unique talents and uses of the Scath.”
“Do you know that your innate use of Scath plasma is not common?”
“I…” Val swallowed but didn’t know how to process this information.
Morgessa nodded, seeming to read her mind. “You have learned on your own and have known nothing different. Desmond I am sure has used the Scath directly but even he does not quite comprehend what I have observed in you. Most simply see demons, and gather their innate power, and set it to use. The Scath is killed and only the power it possessed is collected. However, something happens when you use a scath unit that simply does not occur with others.”
“The smoke?”
“In part, dear. The gathering of the smoke is not uncommon. What is uncommon is when I saw you heal yourself after your first practice with me. There was a wisp of white released after you used the plasma unit.”
Val furrowed her brow, confused. No one had mentioned this before, and she had never noticed herself.
“Don’t be afraid, this is actually a good thing. It means you can be so much more than most of the Spark Blessed that resides in the capital.” Morgessa assured.
“What you don’t know is few know of me. Only those who are at this fort, and those I have trained personally. It’s a rare few at that. Most thought I died ages ago. After all, most of the elite Spark-Blessed make it to maybe fifty years old before they pass on, having burned their life keeping their spark going.”
“I don’t understand, doesn’t the spark feed off the Scath? Cant they just get more Scath? I thought that is what I was supplying to the quartermaster.”
“In part, child, in part. What they fail to understand is that the spark assimilates memories and brain scans and a host of other data it takes in. the Scath for their part, are sentient. Your spark is unique in that Azrael understood this limitation from the start and adapted, removing the dark energy but releasing the ‘soul’ for lack of a better descriptor. Thus your spark runs on clean energy without any of the side effects of thousands and thousands of minds corrupting the Spark.”
“Those in the city who have never faced a Scath in battle nor do they grasp that they are sentient. Thus they have refused to accept that the use of unpurified Scath Plasma is the very thing that shortens their lives, even making many of them go mad before the end, their personalities warped by so many minds and encounters they never experienced themselves.” Morgessa explained.
“Can the plasma be purified?”
“Sure. You and I both can purify it. But it would turn us both into robots, doing so day in and day out for THOUSANDS of crystals to make a dent in the consumption that happens in the Capital.”
“Can't we just teach other sparks?”
“Possibly, but what has come naturally to you is something that is refuted by all of the learned scholars and totally rejected by the council. No one in Krellis or any part of Suria wants to acknowledge any level of sentience to the Scath. For them, its like saying the stone or crystal has a soul and a life. Its been thousands of years since a Scath has been seen in Suria. Likely longer than that. As far as we can tell, there has not been Scath in Suria since the mountains first rose from the earth.”
“So…” Val had yet to interact with anyone from Suria proper, and had never been permitted to venture into Suria through the mountains let alone the capital city of Krellis. She was not sure where this lecture was going.
“I caution you to not make your method public knowledge. It will mark you as a revolutionary, which is not tolerated well. It will not matter if you don’t want to be political or not, it will still damage you.”
That seemed easy enough to Val at this point. It wasn’t like she had any concept of the government of Suria or a desire to be a part of it. She was twelve after all.
“It also means that I can teach you even more unique techniques and concepts that others simply cannot comprehend. You will be able to heal yourself faster and more effectively than others. I can also teach you to heal other people, though I caution you on that account. To most, such a concept will seem like magic and even in Suria where self-healing is known, healing others via your spark is a concept most would associate with witchcraft or devilry.”
Val looked at Morgessa with confusion, causing Morgessa to laugh.
“We have doctors girl. Some of our medicine is far more advanced compared to the other eight realms. But its based in science and discovery. Medicine takes time. What I can teach you is to heal another with little more than a touch and the sacrifice of a Scath unit. Such speed is unheard of even in the most learned of places. You have to understand, Most of the elite Sparks never need to self-heal. They never face combat, and most are agile enough that they rarely hurt themselves like most common folk might do. If they do manage to break a bone, they have the luxury of money, time, and servants to ease their suffering. Few have any concept of the healing that you have grown up knowing as second nature.”
“I believe your spark heals you all the time without you even needing to activate the process. So long as you have available Scath units, it is always working to heal you. Even small bodily functions are being aided by your spark. This is why you likely have never been sick, never had a cut last more than a day, and likely are not currently suffering from acne or other things that come along with puberty. Be grateful. Most of the kids your age, even among the high nobles, suffer daily from hormone swings as oily skin.”
Val was stunned and wondered about the validity of Morgessa’s words. She knew that any day now she would be joined by other kids from Suria. She wondered what their lives were like, and how she might fit in, having grown up knowing little else than Shadows, gangs, and the streets.
“I have to prepare some things for an old friend, but I want you to meet me at least three times a week. I will train you myself in the use of your spark. In time, you may even get to know Azrael as they once were, back at the dawn of the ages.”
“I would like that,” Val said quietly.
“Good. It's settled. Be back here tomorrow at sundown. not even Cade or Alexa . And Valkyrie, this training is NOT to be shared with anyone else. Be glad you are fortunate enough to have Alexa and Cade to share some training with but what I show you at night is for you alone. This is only for the Dark Angel.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Related Chapters
Valkyrie Black Chapter 19: Seer's Sage
The next week, Val found herself sneaking away from her friends at dusk to meet with Morgessa. The passage through the caves had quickly become second nature, though there were many areas left to explore. Morgessa had not stopped her curiosity, but cautioned her to never go deeper into the caves without chalk and string. She warned that more than one foolish youth had been lost in various cave systems after losing track of time, and direction, not to be found until several days or weeks later.When she made it to the magma room, Morgessa was waiting.“Come, today I teach you the first level of Spark Meditation. Desmond likely would have liked to lead you through this, but he doesn’t have the time nor the depth of mastery to unlock your full potential.”“Spark Meditation?”Morgessa frowned at Val, “Girl, tell me. How have you been leveling your spark? I can tell that you clearly have but without the meditation how have you achieved this?”“Umm… well the runes just appear and normally w
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There was a long pause, “there shouldn’t be anyone. That must be part of your imagination. This is a vivid dream state.”Val thought Morgessa didn’t sound as sure as she had about everything else.“Child look to the sky. Tell me what you see.”Val did as she was told, the older man seemed content to watch and wait his turn. Above, the stars opened up before her and then rushed impossibly close. Constellations stood out in her vision, lines connecting some of the bright stars, others remaining incomplete.“Constellations?” Val asked hesitantly.“Indeed, child. This is where you can better see and plan how you can advance your spark. Each constellation is a series of skills that build on each other. Observe which ones you have already activated.”Val looked all around. Most of her skills had at least one star that was brighter than the rest, seeming to indicate activation. Her climbing and basic combat skills had several stars connected, and even her barter skills had shown some improve
Valkyrie Black Chapter 21: The Challenge Course
Valkyrie Black Age 13 The next years flew by as Val trained with a new master each day. Thanks to the funds her mother had left, as well as Desmond’s contribution, she was easily able to pay for and complete five levels of mastery in almost everything she trained in. Her spark become an intricate part of her being, and she relied on it as second nature. Some of her favorite skills were stealth, parkour, and rock climbing. As she scaled the cliffs around the fortress, she could lose herself in the challenge of finding the next hand hold and pushing her limits. Each morning, she would leave her room, and pass through the training hall. On her first day, Desmond had pointed the ceiling out, stating there were five levels to climb. What she had failed to realize was that the landings she could see were not the levels, but actually all part of the first ascension. Each mini-landing would have additional challenges to overcome, the first of which was a rope that would drop once you reached
Valkyrie Black Chapter 22: Classrooms
One year later. [System Analysis update] Age:14 [Coin: 284,000 Dret ] [Costs: 5000 dret per week for training ] [Missions completed: 48 ] [Scáth Demons Captured: 506 since entering training ] [Current trade value of Scath plasma: 2,000 Dret per unit ] [Strength +6 ] [Perception +6 ] [Endurance +12 ] [Charisma +5 ] [Intelligence +12 ] [Agility (Parkour +7, rapid stab +7, speed +8, reflexs+6) ] [Luck +5] [Sneak: Stealth +5, light foot +5, backstab +7 ] [Sword: +5] [Pistol: +2] [Dagger: +7] [Barter:+6] Val sat in a classroom with her face resting in her palms. The teacher was droning on about world politics and how anyone who wanted to do anything in the world needed to be versed in how the world worked. “Val, do you have anything to contribute?” Val snapped out of her momentary daze and squinted at the teacher. “To what exactly?” “How to handle a business transaction when the other party is refusing to negotiate. How would you convince them to meet at the negotia
Valkyrie Black Chapter 23: Morgessa's Darker Trainings
Val saw a hulk of a man bound and gagged on the ground, Morgessa’s familiar features standing over him. The lady was a beast in her own right. She towered over the other women in the fortress. Her brown hair was hidden in the dark of this room, but Val imagined it was likely braided back in its customary tight weaves down her back. “Hurry up you two. The soon-to-be dead don’t have all day. Now, as we have been practicing, your goal is no blood. In some missions, blood is good, in others you need to get out unscathed and unseen. That is best if you are not covered in blood.” “Will he be bound?” Alexa asked hesitantly, eyeing the large man. Morgessa’s teeth shone as she smiled, “Now why would I give you such an easy mission? You have both passed basic competencies. I am sure if you found a bound and gagged man you would have no issue. No, this one is special.” Val frowned before asking the obvious question, “His crimes?” Morgessa’s face soured, “This trash is convicted by the 9 cour
Valkyrie Black Chapter 24: School Yard Squabbles
(Age 16) Blades clacked in rhythmic cadence as Val met every blow of her opponent. Asura was several inches taller than her and had filled out with a strong soldiers build. It made sense, with his father being captain of the guard to the High Counsel of Suria. He slammed his sword down again and again, attempting to pummel Valkyrie into submission. Val belatedly thought to herself that she might have overestimated her own ability or underestimated Asure. He had a powerful attack and if he inherited his father’s warrior Spark, he would make an amazing spark vessel. That is, if he ever grew out of his arrogant personality. Val caught another blow, doing her best to sheer the force to the side with her blade. Damn, he is strong. Every muscle fiber strained and she could feel the fibers of her spark working to reinforce her as Asure reversed his momentum and swept at her legs. His blade was longer than her twin long daggers, so it was nearly impossible to close with him. Fighting wa
Valkyrie Black Chapter 25: Desperate for exploration
Valkyrie, Age 17Val was feeling restless and needed to get away from the fortress. Cade had been sent on three missions in the last year, each time returning with tales of adventure. Fall was setting in, and the snows would start soon.Valkyrie’s own missions so far had been mostly simple find and recover. Word would arrive that a hunter was needed to find some piece of art for a nobleman. It seemed the Surian nobility had a fascination with anything from the outside world. They had no contact beyond the mountains to the point most of the 8 realms believed all of Suria to be a myth or just a blank spot on the map.While she could hunt for Scath shadow plasma, the quartermaster had been reducing her pay recently, citing an overstock since she had started. Even Morgessa seemed to have enough after their quarterly hunt.The most profitable venture was a dangerous one that Val was uniquely suited for. About one hundred miles north, along the barrier mountains there was a hot spring that
Valkyrie Black Chapter 26: Mission prep
Lorenzo was all too happy to send her out. Apparently, a messenger had arrived to inform him that a merchant would be arriving in two weeks, and would be willing to buy every Scath plasma he had available.There were also a few requests for the scavengers.“I have a request from a spark lord of Ellesmera for a statuette that he believes was stolen from a museum in Parcia. It is supposed to be of Raphael, one of the great one hundred Spark blessed. According to the records, he was a great healer.”“I thought the 100 sparks were the rulers in Krellis. Didn’t they all survive the great war?” Val asked.“It is true that the council of thirteen is made up of elite-level sparks. It is believed that they are of the 100. However, we are only sure about forty-two of the 100. The other elite sparks may have been destroyed or lost to the other 8 realms.”“The leader of the thirteen rotates power between five elite Sparks every twelve years and they are five of the strongest known sparks. We are
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Authors note
Dear Readers, This has been one wild adventure and I am blessed to have been able to share it with you. This tale has now come to a conclusion and my contract for this book has run its 6-month course. It has been a long road, and so far its been a great experience. Valkyrie Black has some amazing readers but as we come to the end of this season, it will take a lot for my editor to be ready to sign an extension contract. While Valkyrie has a 10 star rating and amazing reviews, it just isnt where it needs to be right now as far as views. other books released in the same contest managed to get 3-5x as many views and subscribers. Sadly that means that for now, it just isnt resonating with the meganovel audience or, remains undiscovered. Hopefully, we will see Valkyrie again in the future but kinda like Tinkerbell, the readers will have to clap really loud to get my editor's attention to authorize a new season of this online exclusive novel. How to get an editor's attenti
Chapter 159: Sea and Sky
The next day:Cade stood before the Watch Commander, Captain Argus, and Centurion Horen.“Final count is 158 men still fit for duty, 280 dead and 62 seriously injured. Most of the able bodies were among those that were holding the wall with crossbows. Those on the field rarely survived if they fell. Seven of the twelve knights are dead. I am sorry Captain Argus.”“They were good men, and died serving Suria in the greatest battle of their day.” Argus said, head bowed in grief.“What of our heroine and her friend?” the watch commander asked.“Healer Guerrero is still examining them. They, along with the twenty men that were in quads are still in strange shape. It seems that Captain Argus and I were more correctly disengaged from the quad mind, where Valkyrie and Alexa were not released from that. They remain in sword form.”“And that scath prince and the fire woman? What of them?” Cap
Chapter 158: The Battle of Uthril
Fire erupted across the field as two spectra ingus sent balls of flaming death at a company of one hundred rune blade warriors. They were not part of a quad, but had the courage to charge the enemy as a team. The fireballs exploded in their midst, vaporizing five to eight men near the center and badly injuring those around them. Val pointed to the spectra scath and ordered a team of crossbowmen to fire. A hail of fifty deadly bolts shot out across the field. The fire scath threw up a wall of heat that deflected many of the bolts as their feathers melted off and their flight path went crazy. Thankfully, several still managed to find their target and the two fire scath were reduced to streamers of dark ichor. {Losses?} [50 silverbloods dead, 75 wounded. 375 still fighting fit.] came the robotic reply. Shit. This was just getting started and they were already down over 1/5th of their force. While the men were fighting admirably, each taking many scath with them before they died,
Chapter 157: Quad Defense
[System analysis complete.][Triskele defense system.][ Down-loading defense matric][ Defensive system available]The schematics began to flood Valkyrie’s mind and she began to grasp what was to happen.A commanding elite spark was to station themselves here on the tower. Warrior Sparks would take up position on the twelve pedestals below. Then average silverblood warriors could position themselves in teams of three around each knight.The Triskele was a hive mind and created a quad squad, one primary warrior with three swords. The central warriors spark would then take command of the entire unit, moving them in such tandem that it was beyond human understanding.They would no longer be individual soldiers and would have no will of their own. In that state, every fiber of being would belong to the quad. No self interest would exist or sense of self preservation. It would simply exist fulfil one directive, defend the fort as a
Chapter 156: Triskele
Valkyrie knew very little of the politics of Suria. She had dealt with the soldiers at fort Lorilis and her position as a Spark blessed as well as a student of Morgessa had given her some level of privilege or notoriety but she had never been in the chain of command, answering only to Morgessa and Desmond as mentors.Now, she had chosen to be bold and play on the myths and legends as she knew them. The Elite spark were renowned and the power of ones spark dictated a lot about a persons position in Surian society.However, She was not part of that hierarchy, at least not in the past few hundred years.Repeating what she had said before, she replied “I am General Valkyrie, Avatar of Azrael, First Spark of the Ori. You WILL arm your men and assemble the knights of this fortress. You have fifteen minutes to address the garrison and prepare for battle.”“Or what? Valkyrie General of the Ori? Girl, you are invoking the gods and your blasphemy
Chapter 155: Prepare
Cade turned to follow his centurion and Alexa up the stairs when he suddenly froze. It was just him and Valkyrie in the room. Well, Al-Lune snored his way through a log on the cot but otherwise they were alone.“You said Alexa was now Spark blessed… you called her Shadow slayer, or hunter… How? Who did you kill to take an elite spark from? Val, if you did kill those hunters and stole their spark,” he paused, trying to collect his thoughts, “I will kill you myself if you put her in danger like that. A stolen spark with a death sentence and she will be hunted the rest of her day’s till the council sees justice. Theft of a spark is one crime they will not tolerate at any level.”“How big is the bounty?” Val asked casually.“The bounty is sizable but Val, there is a whole order of hunter sparks that see it as a religious duty to hunt such traitors. The official sanction is all they need to pursue their in
Chapter 154: Jailed
“What? No! raise the alarm! The scath will be here any time!” Val yelled. “We saw no scath! You were standing there, and now the Commander has been shot! Healers! To the commanders! Guards, take these two to the brig until we can arrange transport back to Suria for trial.” Al Lune ordered. Val was seized by two large men and she watched as Alexa was also grabbed, “No! Lune! At Least sent out scouts! Go find the bodies of Carlson and his buddy!” “Yes, Yes. We will need the bodies of the other men these two have killed. Go send someone to collect the evidence of their treason against Suria.” “Bloody fuckin hell you are dense. Sound general quarters! There is a huge army of scath heading this way!” Val screamed as she was hauled into the fortress. While she might be able to fight one or two, where would she escape to? By now, scath would be blocking the mountain passage, and the only other way to go is through the fort to Suria! The soldiers around her looked worried and glanced over
Chapter 153: Commander Grant
A gunshot range out as the men got within shouting distance, the horse on the right going down hard in a heap. Its rider lept free and started running towards them.“Fuck that was impressive.” Val said as she swung down off her horse and drew her rune blade. “Possessor Scath. I see four.”The approaching man on horse back looked hard at them but nodded as they stepped aside and let him ride on. His companion rushed up to them on foot.“For Suria, will you help me hold them off? Carlson must get through and warn the watch commander!”“We will! We came to warn the commander too!” Alexa declared.Another gunshot sounded and Val spun to see the rider named Carlson slump off his horse and crash to the ground.“FUCK! For Suria!” The other man said as he drew his own rune blade and took position near Valkyrie.The four possessed mercenaries crashed into them with a ferocity Val had only seen in her worst thrasher fights. Thankfully with a skilled hunter and Alexa by her side, the three on fo
Chapter 152: Fire
“That or the scath that created that vortex killed everyone off.” Valkyrie replied somberly.There didn’t seem to be scath around but they had been in the previous town. Maybe they were massing somewhere nearby.“Its dark, and this trunk is heavy. Lets go to the inn and then we can see about getting a different pack, maybe some hiking packs and ship the rest of this back to Durres.” Alexa suggested.They made their way to the inn and lugged the trunk up the steps of the one building in town that had any light sources. As they pushed the door up, an innkeeper came around the counter to greet them.“Ah, I didn’t expect anyone this evening. You from Vintas?” the innkeeper asked, then his eyes went wide, “You two ok? You look like you were run over by a herd of horses!”“Accident on the way here. Got caught in a tornado. As for where we are from, Durres,” Valkyrie replied.“Impressive you made it this far. Come on in. lets get you taken care of. KATE!” The innkeep called to a teen age gir