Val saw a hulk of a man bound and gagged on the ground, Morgessa’s familiar features standing over him. The lady was a beast in her own right. She towered over the other women in the fortress. Her brown hair was hidden in the dark of this room, but Val imagined it was likely braided back in its customary tight weaves down her back.
“Hurry up you two. The soon-to-be dead don’t have all day. Now, as we have been practicing, your goal is no blood. In some missions, blood is good, in others you need to get out unscathed and unseen. That is best if you are not covered in blood.”
“Will he be bound?” Alexa asked hesitantly, eyeing the large man.
Morgessa’s teeth shone as she smiled, “Now why would I give you such an easy mission? You have both passed basic competencies. I am sure if you found a bound and gagged man you would have no issue. No, this one is special.”
Val frowned before asking the obvious question, “His crimes?”
Morgessa’s face soured, “This trash is convicted by the 9 courts for no less than twenty-seven rapes, five confirmed murders and six more suspected.” Without wasting any more time Mistress Morgessa tossed a small dagger at the man. “Get up. I know you have been listening. I am sure the drugs have worn off.”
There was a grunt, and the man easily snapped the cords that had bound his hands behind his back. He quickly threw off the blindfold and pulled the gag out of his mouth.
“After that little speech about my deeds I am surprised you would lock me in a room with two young girls. I have to wonder what they did to incite your ire woman. Though I prefer a bit more light when I make my women beg, I suppose my hands will find out what they have to offer easily enough.”
The hulk of a man stood and Val gulped. This beast had to be nearly seven feet tall! She knew that she and Alexa could likely kill the beast, but with him no longer bound, doing so without blood would be a challenge indeed. Not to mention he had a blade of his own.
Val looked at Alexa, and saw her features contort with rage. This was one of those brutes Alexa would gladly kill, and never think twice about ending his existence. A dark reaper in her own right, Val felt Alexa’s desire for this kill.
“Little bird, screaming eagle?” Val asked. She only needed a small nod from Alexa before she darted off to the side on silent feet. Alexa was not blessed to be joined with a spark, at least not yet, but after years of training with the Order and nearly five years working side by side with Val, she had gained her own sense of fighting in the dark, and could use it to her advantage.
Right now, she was bait. Split the attention of this brute and let him focus on her, the bird with the broken wing. In the meantime, Val would circle him and try to launch her left onto his shoulders. From there his vulnerable spots could be exposed.
“Time begins now,” Morgessa called.
SHIT! That crocheted bat was keeping track of how long it takes us. Val knew she would hold it over them if they spend too long engaging him.
“City guards are on their next patrol in five minutes.”
Great. An additional challenge.
Val tapped a new tattoo on her arm. The rune blade her mother had left her materialized in her hand. This was one of the skills Morgessa had taught her. An advanced skill for Spark blessed was the ability to store a rune blade as energy. The tattoo was not needed per se, it merely represented an inventory. Desmond had been impressed last time he had seen her.
She felt a sense of pride with herself untill he displayed his own arm, and she realized he had collected and integrated MANY runed weapons.
“Come out, come out, little girlies. I want to feel that nice flesh of yours in my hands. I promise, you might actually enjoy this before the end. I am sure all the girls were screaming out in pleasure. I guess I was just a bit too much man for them,” He chuckled at his own words before swiping a large paw of a hand at Alexa.
“You will have to be faster than that,” Alexa cooed, scampering to the wall where she knew there would be weapons. To her horror, there were none. All of the racks were empty.
“Improvise if you didn’t bring equipment.” Called Morgessa.
Val watched the scene from the edge, crouched low so her silhouette would not show against the blue vein in the wall. The hulk started a lumbering charge at Alexa. Val grinned when she saw Alexa reach behind her and whip out an extendable baton.
Good girl, Val thought.
Morgessa’s admonishment would have set the brute on the advance and not alerted him to the actual weapons Alexa always had on her. a baton would be a good one to try to disable him with. As she watched, Alexa dove low in a roll, smashing the baton against the brute’s kneecaps. What she didn’t expect was the cry of pain from Alexa as the baton rebounded hard, twisting out of her grip. Alexa quickly disengaged and backed away, clutching her wrist.
“Val, he has some sort of metal armor on.”
Valkyrie looked again at the figured and realized what she thought had been leather clothes blocking his heat was actually metal deflecting her vision. SHIT.
“Disarm, then disable.”
“Easy to say, Val, but …” the worry in her voice scared Val more than anything. This was a practical practice. Their master was here. And yet, it looked like Morgessa was willing to push them beyond their limits to see what they were capable of. Unless… was the brute onto something? Had they incited Morgessa’s ire enough for her to subject them to more than their own match?
“There is only what a person CAN do, and what they cannot do. All else is someone else’s set of rules,” Morgessa called. It was an old refrain. Don’t get stuck in thinking the limitations others set are the only answers. There are always other methods.
Val tapped Alexa on the arm and then used her palm to sign a few signals to her. She could see Alexa’s grin as she nodded. She withdrew a small shatter vile from a pocket. These were not cheap, but they were not hard to come by at the weapons master’s store. Val circled back around and was in the giant’s blind spot when she shut her eyes tight, she kicked the wall behind her, setting off a small sound to alert Alexa.
Alexa ran toward the brute, letting out a loud bellow as she charged him. Before he could sweep her into a bear hug, she hurtled the shatter vile into his face. The resulting explosion was as if a small sun had appeared in the dark room. EVERYTHING flashed for a second, fully illuminated.
As soon as the flash subsided, Val opened her eyes again and ran at the man, leaping on his back as he flailed holding his eyes where hot powder undoubtedly still burned.
Val slapped his ears hard with her palms as Alexa rammed both fists up into the giant’s balls. The man’s eyes crossed as he held himself for a moment.
Val contemplated killing him then and there with her blade but hesitated, wanting to complete the challenge. Her hesitation cost Alexa as he recovered enough to grab Alexa and sling her across the room where she smashed into the wall.
Val used the pommel of her blade and slammed it hard into the man’s temple. He grunted, falling to one knee. Val called to Alexa, “You good?”
“No, but let's finish.”
Val stayed atop the man’s back as Alexa pushed herself back to her feet and started dragging an empty weapons rack over to the man. Just as he was trying to push back to his feet and reach for Val, who was perched on his back, Val slammed the pummel into his left temple this time.
“Perhaps you have a soft spot over - HERE.”
The man collapsed, his head smashing Alexa on the shoulder, dropping her to the ground. “Hells fire, Val! That hurt! I think he broke my freakin’ collarbone.”
“Sorry,” Val said sympathetically. She would never intentionally hurt Alexa and it pained her now to realize she had miss judged this situation so badly. The man lay at their feet unconscious.
Val lifted his head while Alexa used her good arm to drag the rack under his head. Val rested his head so it was a good foot off the ground, with the rack creating a nice space to the flood.
She grimaced as she held the top brace of the rack for balance and slammed her foot down on his neck. Nothing happened.
“Shit, this is one tough dude.” She then stood on his neck, holding the top of the rack for support and jumped. This time the neck cracked and the body lay against the base of the rack at an odd angle.
“Unorthodox, but effective,” came Morgessa’s booming voice. It rang off the walls in the quiet stone room. “Though, next time you might try to not injure your partner. Can you heal her, or do you need to take her to see the menders?”
Val considered Alexa. Most did not know of or understand the healing power of Sparks, and even those who did know of them rarely understood their limitations.
“May I?” Val asked.
Alexa nodded her assent and Val reached out to touch the girl’s collarbone.
“Snapped for sure.” Val extended one of her tiny runed throwing knives and cut a small line across Alexa’s collar bone. Alexa hissed in pain, but did her best to hold still as Val worked.
Valkyrie then cut her own palm and set it over the cut on Alexa’s bone. Tiny metallic tendrils shot out of the cut on Val’s palm and began mending the broken bone as if it was her own. The process took several minutes.
As Val understood it, her spark had permeated her body by this point in her life. There were tendrils in every major part of her that could act in a second to mend her own body. However, to heal another, there had to be a direct connection and the tendril had to extend to a new area that it had never been before.
Being that Val and Alexa were similar in height and build, and both human with similar body makeup, the Spark could repair Alexa almost as if her body was an extension of Val’s.
However, Val had learned last time that the power drain to do so was immense. It often took twice as much Scath plasma to heal another than to heal herself. She guessed this had to do with the fact the spark knew her body well and was always in the process of healing something.
Alexa squirmed under Val’s grip but finally, the tendrils retreated, leaving nothing but pink new skin. Val looked into her friend’s sea-blue eyes, “Sorry about that.”
“Let’s just try to make sure it’s not a regular occurrence.”
Mistress Morgessa tsked from the side, “It best not be a regular occurrence. Valkyrie is unlikely to have Scath plasma to spare all the time and one of these days you will hurt Alexa beyond what you can repair."
"It's one thing when we have the blessing of Desmond and a few of the other hunters returning with regular shipments of their bounty, but when you have to get it yourself, it will be far more precious. As it stands, I believe Val already owes the quartermaster no less than ten units of Scath plasma. On our next hunting trip, you will have your work cut out for you.
Val bowed respectfully to Mistress Morgessa. “I will be sure to repay that debt as soon as I can.”
Morgessa waved her hand dismissively, “Dismissed. I will call when I have more training for you.”
Val and Alexa made their way back through the secret entrance when Alexa said, “I thought you had plenty of dret. Are the scorpions not producing?”
“I can only get to them during the summer. I have the drets, but Lorenzo wants me to replace every Plasma I take with two. He doesn’t mind selling to me, but says I use more than the whole fortress combined. He has quotas for other buyers from Suria to meet.”
“I see. We will find Cade and go hunting soon. I promise we can work together to get you caught back up. Besides we always find more when we work as a team,” Alexa offered.

If you are loving this tale so far, please consider going to the book details page and leaving a comment/review! Sharing the link is also a great way to help me know that my tale is resonating and that I should keep going as a writer! 1 million views, here we come! (as of this note 1/18/23, the book is at 2,000 views)
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Authors note
Dear Readers, This has been one wild adventure and I am blessed to have been able to share it with you. This tale has now come to a conclusion and my contract for this book has run its 6-month course. It has been a long road, and so far its been a great experience. Valkyrie Black has some amazing readers but as we come to the end of this season, it will take a lot for my editor to be ready to sign an extension contract. While Valkyrie has a 10 star rating and amazing reviews, it just isnt where it needs to be right now as far as views. other books released in the same contest managed to get 3-5x as many views and subscribers. Sadly that means that for now, it just isnt resonating with the meganovel audience or, remains undiscovered. Hopefully, we will see Valkyrie again in the future but kinda like Tinkerbell, the readers will have to clap really loud to get my editor's attention to authorize a new season of this online exclusive novel. How to get an editor's attenti
Chapter 159: Sea and Sky
The next day:Cade stood before the Watch Commander, Captain Argus, and Centurion Horen.“Final count is 158 men still fit for duty, 280 dead and 62 seriously injured. Most of the able bodies were among those that were holding the wall with crossbows. Those on the field rarely survived if they fell. Seven of the twelve knights are dead. I am sorry Captain Argus.”“They were good men, and died serving Suria in the greatest battle of their day.” Argus said, head bowed in grief.“What of our heroine and her friend?” the watch commander asked.“Healer Guerrero is still examining them. They, along with the twenty men that were in quads are still in strange shape. It seems that Captain Argus and I were more correctly disengaged from the quad mind, where Valkyrie and Alexa were not released from that. They remain in sword form.”“And that scath prince and the fire woman? What of them?” Cap
Chapter 158: The Battle of Uthril
Fire erupted across the field as two spectra ingus sent balls of flaming death at a company of one hundred rune blade warriors. They were not part of a quad, but had the courage to charge the enemy as a team. The fireballs exploded in their midst, vaporizing five to eight men near the center and badly injuring those around them. Val pointed to the spectra scath and ordered a team of crossbowmen to fire. A hail of fifty deadly bolts shot out across the field. The fire scath threw up a wall of heat that deflected many of the bolts as their feathers melted off and their flight path went crazy. Thankfully, several still managed to find their target and the two fire scath were reduced to streamers of dark ichor. {Losses?} [50 silverbloods dead, 75 wounded. 375 still fighting fit.] came the robotic reply. Shit. This was just getting started and they were already down over 1/5th of their force. While the men were fighting admirably, each taking many scath with them before they died,
Chapter 157: Quad Defense
[System analysis complete.][Triskele defense system.][ Down-loading defense matric][ Defensive system available]The schematics began to flood Valkyrie’s mind and she began to grasp what was to happen.A commanding elite spark was to station themselves here on the tower. Warrior Sparks would take up position on the twelve pedestals below. Then average silverblood warriors could position themselves in teams of three around each knight.The Triskele was a hive mind and created a quad squad, one primary warrior with three swords. The central warriors spark would then take command of the entire unit, moving them in such tandem that it was beyond human understanding.They would no longer be individual soldiers and would have no will of their own. In that state, every fiber of being would belong to the quad. No self interest would exist or sense of self preservation. It would simply exist fulfil one directive, defend the fort as a
Chapter 156: Triskele
Valkyrie knew very little of the politics of Suria. She had dealt with the soldiers at fort Lorilis and her position as a Spark blessed as well as a student of Morgessa had given her some level of privilege or notoriety but she had never been in the chain of command, answering only to Morgessa and Desmond as mentors.Now, she had chosen to be bold and play on the myths and legends as she knew them. The Elite spark were renowned and the power of ones spark dictated a lot about a persons position in Surian society.However, She was not part of that hierarchy, at least not in the past few hundred years.Repeating what she had said before, she replied “I am General Valkyrie, Avatar of Azrael, First Spark of the Ori. You WILL arm your men and assemble the knights of this fortress. You have fifteen minutes to address the garrison and prepare for battle.”“Or what? Valkyrie General of the Ori? Girl, you are invoking the gods and your blasphemy
Chapter 155: Prepare
Cade turned to follow his centurion and Alexa up the stairs when he suddenly froze. It was just him and Valkyrie in the room. Well, Al-Lune snored his way through a log on the cot but otherwise they were alone.“You said Alexa was now Spark blessed… you called her Shadow slayer, or hunter… How? Who did you kill to take an elite spark from? Val, if you did kill those hunters and stole their spark,” he paused, trying to collect his thoughts, “I will kill you myself if you put her in danger like that. A stolen spark with a death sentence and she will be hunted the rest of her day’s till the council sees justice. Theft of a spark is one crime they will not tolerate at any level.”“How big is the bounty?” Val asked casually.“The bounty is sizable but Val, there is a whole order of hunter sparks that see it as a religious duty to hunt such traitors. The official sanction is all they need to pursue their in
Chapter 154: Jailed
“What? No! raise the alarm! The scath will be here any time!” Val yelled. “We saw no scath! You were standing there, and now the Commander has been shot! Healers! To the commanders! Guards, take these two to the brig until we can arrange transport back to Suria for trial.” Al Lune ordered. Val was seized by two large men and she watched as Alexa was also grabbed, “No! Lune! At Least sent out scouts! Go find the bodies of Carlson and his buddy!” “Yes, Yes. We will need the bodies of the other men these two have killed. Go send someone to collect the evidence of their treason against Suria.” “Bloody fuckin hell you are dense. Sound general quarters! There is a huge army of scath heading this way!” Val screamed as she was hauled into the fortress. While she might be able to fight one or two, where would she escape to? By now, scath would be blocking the mountain passage, and the only other way to go is through the fort to Suria! The soldiers around her looked worried and glanced over
Chapter 153: Commander Grant
A gunshot range out as the men got within shouting distance, the horse on the right going down hard in a heap. Its rider lept free and started running towards them.“Fuck that was impressive.” Val said as she swung down off her horse and drew her rune blade. “Possessor Scath. I see four.”The approaching man on horse back looked hard at them but nodded as they stepped aside and let him ride on. His companion rushed up to them on foot.“For Suria, will you help me hold them off? Carlson must get through and warn the watch commander!”“We will! We came to warn the commander too!” Alexa declared.Another gunshot sounded and Val spun to see the rider named Carlson slump off his horse and crash to the ground.“FUCK! For Suria!” The other man said as he drew his own rune blade and took position near Valkyrie.The four possessed mercenaries crashed into them with a ferocity Val had only seen in her worst thrasher fights. Thankfully with a skilled hunter and Alexa by her side, the three on fo
Chapter 152: Fire
“That or the scath that created that vortex killed everyone off.” Valkyrie replied somberly.There didn’t seem to be scath around but they had been in the previous town. Maybe they were massing somewhere nearby.“Its dark, and this trunk is heavy. Lets go to the inn and then we can see about getting a different pack, maybe some hiking packs and ship the rest of this back to Durres.” Alexa suggested.They made their way to the inn and lugged the trunk up the steps of the one building in town that had any light sources. As they pushed the door up, an innkeeper came around the counter to greet them.“Ah, I didn’t expect anyone this evening. You from Vintas?” the innkeeper asked, then his eyes went wide, “You two ok? You look like you were run over by a herd of horses!”“Accident on the way here. Got caught in a tornado. As for where we are from, Durres,” Valkyrie replied.“Impressive you made it this far. Come on in. lets get you taken care of. KATE!” The innkeep called to a teen age gir