Chapter 162

Darius and Carla had been married for two years, and they were living the dream. They had traveled the world, and they were madly in love.

One day, Carla came home from the doctor with a big smile on her face.

"Guess what?" she said. "I'm pregnant!"

Darius was over the moon. He had always wanted to be a dad, and he knew that Carla would be an amazing mom.

They spent the next few months getting ready for the baby. They painted the nursery, bought a crib, and read books about parenting.

Finally, the day came when Carla went into labor. Darius was by her side the whole time, and he held her hand as she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

They named her Jasmine, and she was the light of their lives. Darius and Carla loved her more than anything in the world, and they would do anything for her.

One day, when Jasmine was about a year old, Darius and Carla were taking her to the park. They were sitting on a bench, enjoying the sunshine, when they saw a group of kids playing nearby.

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