Chapter 166

Jasmine was finally in college. She had been accepted to her dream school, and she was excited to start her new life.

She moved into her dorm room with her roommate, a girl named Sarah. Sarah was outgoing and friendly, and she quickly helped Jasmine to make friends.

Jasmine started classes, and she was immediately overwhelmed. The workload was much more than she had expected, and she was struggling to keep up.

She also started to feel homesick. She missed her family and friends, and she started to wonder if she had made a mistake by coming to college.

One day, Jasmine was walking to class when she saw a group of students gathered around a table. They were playing a game of cards, and they looked like they were having fun.

Jasmine stopped to watch, and she was soon invited to join in. She had never played cards before, but she quickly learned the rules.

She had a lot of fun playing with the group, and she started to feel more relaxed. She realized that she could make friends here, and
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