Chapter 112

Wedding bells

"Hi, everyone. What's going on here?

Did I interrupt anything? I can see y'all are having a good time, right?" Doctor Mario dashed inside Stephanie's ward with a document in his possession.

Stephanie's conversation with her Mom was fruitful as they made peace and vowed to improve each other.

Personally, Mrs. Rolando instructed everyone to join them inside the ward while she used the opportunity to apologize to Chris for treating him like a piece of trash while he was married to her daughter, Stephanie.

The whole family is set to put the past behind them and embrace a new beginning that would be beneficial to everyone.

Stephanie's near-death experience made them realize that there's more to life rather than beefing each other.

"Not at all. Doctor Mario."

Stephanie smiled.

"I'm glad you're here with us.

You came at the right time. We were just discussing my discharge date before you showed up. What's the update, doctor?"

"Somewhat Positive if I must
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