VENUS (Chapter 43)

VENUS (Chapter 43)



Frans ran to the room after hearing his daughter's screams. When he got there, Arumi seemed fine, just sobbing a little while holding a cell phone.

Frans took a gallant step toward his daughter who was sitting on the bed. "What's wrong, dear? Why were you screaming like that earlier?"

Arumi looked up, "Daddy," Arumi whispered with teary eyes.

Frans gently stroked his only daughter's hair. "Why, sweetheart? Tell Daddy. Why did you scream earlier?"

Arumi picked up the cell phone, pointing the screen at Frans. "Venus didn't reply to my message, she just saw it," Arumi said, pursing her lips.

Frans furrowed his brow, out of expression now. "So you shouted earlier because Venus didn't reply to your message?"

Arumi nodded, "Yes, Dad. I was upset with her, so I shouted so that Venus would hear me, but I realized she wouldn't hear me."

Frans couldn't believe what he was hearing. I wonder what demon has possessed his daughter now?

"Even though Venus is online,
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