Tenfold Strenght

Calvin was back on his feet, his head slightly dizzy from being thrown twice so hard. While Cord looks fine, even though he has taken a lot of beatings from Calvin.

Cord gave the code using his palm to Calvin to advance. Calvin tried to stay calm and not get carried away by his emotions, he strengthened his grip and ran towards Cord with a punch. Cord casually blocked Calvin's punches, not only once but Calvin threw his second punch. This time it was so fast that Cord couldn't block it.


Right on Cord's stomach made him bend slightly, then Calvin kicked Cord's head with his knee until it crashed and fell to the floor.

Calvin didn't let the opportunity pass, he prepared to stomp on Cord's head. But Cord managed to dodge him, he rolled his body away from Calvin and immediately stood back up.

The two of them again took the distance with a standby position. In less than 10 seconds, the two of them came forward with their respective attacks. A punch was thrown by Cord, this time hit
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