
Lana quickly turned around and ran. Melody chased after her with her claws out.

" HEY!!" Lana yelled to the person in front of her "HELP ME!"

The man jumped over Lana and his knuckles bashed into Melody's jaw. The dragon was pushed backwards although her scales cut into the man's fist. The villainess' eyes weren't on her attacker but on Lana still running away.

"Hey, where are you looking!?" the man smiled

He sent a punch toward her head again and Melody collided her knuckles with his. A light snap was picked up by the dragon's ears and a smile spread across her face. His wrist broke.

Her free hand rose and its claws dug into his forearm. Although the man's working fist bashed into her forehead. Before Melody could react a knee collided with her stomach and something hit into her back.

Melody pulled back and stared at the attacker of her back. It was Lana and the villainess smiled wickedly.

"Why did you come back?" The man frowned

Lana glared at Melody, "I had to."

The man was confuse
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