Ch 6: Game Finish And Request

"Episode 5"

"Game Ended"

"Character Has Been Executed"

"Switching Character...."

"Pls Choose A Different Role"


'are you kidding me!'

'5 episodes!'

'that's how long he lasted'

'Just five episodes...'

'which kind of villain is that'

'it looked more like a side character that appears only in few chapters and then kicked out of the game indefinatly never to be seen again until needed as a cannon fodder'

'but this.. Is just straight up rubbish'

'shouldn't a villain be more brutal and cunning'

'and I don't know... Maybe last till he can't fight no more or get his crimes announced'


'Sure that did happen but not right at the start'

'They only gave him five scenes of evil and then his execution'

'given his personality and backstory he doesn't even act like a villain'

'more like a kid trying to gain attention from his parents'


Thought Don as he looked ready at the verge of throwing his table and PC out the window

"that would explain why the character is restricted"

"it doesn't have any fancy about it"

"just a five episode character who doesn't seam to fit his role"

'a prototype villain' thought Don as his expression turned calm as he looked at his screen and then sat back down putting his headset back on and controlled his mouse to choose


"New Character Mode Selected"

"Choosing Mode.... "


"Role Selected"

"Background Character"


"Enjoy With Free Exploration"

"Begin" showed on the screen as the same scene appeared


'let's just keep at it'

'I need to write a report for this before tomorrow'



"Mike: Just reached Level 20"

"Thinks it's gonna take me a few days to complete it"

"Don't forget to write your report Mr Gamer"

"Starstrike signing out" appeared on his phone screen as he turned and reached for his phone replying


Before turning it off

'A few days Huh...?'

'maybe I can finish it as well'

'no need in rushing' thought Don


A loud voice resounded around the whole room as we see ourselves in school

It was a Thursday morning as students filter around some chatting while others still had their phone trying to finish the level, some even going to the extent of asking their friends how was still gameplay

Everything was quiet until the loud sound was heard

"who the hell was that"

"Darn it I lost that level"

"Foolish moron don't know how to keep his voice down"

"Insolent students"

"he needs to be taught some manners" murmured some students in the hall as they move back to their classes or just walk away we move pass them to meet Tish as she climbs up the first floor steps stopping to look behind her

Outside the school glass door as we follow Tish view we see Mike and Don as they walk slowly towards it

"Do you have to shout?" asked Don as he rubbed his ear seeing as he was once closed to Mike but had moved a few meters away

"sorry.... But everything..?"

"you're telling me you finished the full game in one night"

"One Night!"

"if you had told me like maybe a few days..."

"that I wouldn't have been shocked but in one night"

"that's only.... "


"That's only 12 hours"

"how the hell did you finish 159 Episodes that each had a total of 15 chapters under IT!" argued Mike as he pointed his finger and looked dumbfounded at Don who just smiled sheepishly at him before walking faster

'it's not like it's was my intention of finishing it but... ' thought Don as our view went back to yesterday as we see Don playing his background character as his door was pushed open slowly

He looked up from his PC to stare at the door as Nia is revealed to be standing at the edge holding her small blue blanket and a teddy bear as she rubs her eyes from sleepiness

"Brother.. "

"What's you're doing?"

"it's 12 in the night"

"why are you still up till now" asked Nia sleepy as Don looks to his book designed clock as it just clicked to 12:00pm

'have I been playing for that long'

'if mom was here she would have already locked me out of my room and throw away the key' thought Don as he stretched his hands flaying around to get blood pumping back into his system before he stopped like a switched bolb as a message appeared on screen

"Character Role Completed"

"Character Gameplay Has Been Completed"

"Game Story Play Has Been Completed"

"Character Role: Background Story mode Cleared"

"Proceeding Shutdown...."

"Switch Role Or Logout"

"Awaiting Players Decision"

'since I've been playing for long I might as well go to bed'

Don then proceeded to reach out and turn off his PC when Nia voice was heard


"Are you playing URSA?" asked Nia as her eyes seemed to glitter staring at the bold U R S A on the screen

Don noticed were she was looking at and smiled before replying


"Our school gave it as a semester project for us"

"we're to play it and give an experience report on it" said Don as he didn't want to tell her the full reward of the project

"You aren't telling me everything are you?" asked Nia as she seemed to have moved closer to Don standing next to his seat as her blanket trail behind her on the floor


"that's everything really"

"just a project and nothing else"

"nothing to get you too interested in my work again" said Don as he lifted her up and placed her on his lap pinching her cheek as she tried and failed to wiggle out of his grass


"Stop it"

"you know I hate that" stated Nia as she pulled away Dons hand from her cheek proceeding to rube it after as she faced back to the monitor, she looked at some display on the screen before she quickly took the mouse and viewed his game history and browser


"Brother you finished half of everything already"

"that's no fun"

"what I'm I suppose to play now!" asked Nia as she looked unhappy smile staring at the screen

"you can play a new character" stated Don as he clicked on the role changing option which gave him a new screen

"nope I want to create my own character"

"is they something wrong with mine?" asked Don skeptical


"too much Red" stated Nia as she changed to character creation and turn gender to female

'Red.. '

'but I like red'

'it's the color of crimson peak'

'a title I always get after playing an RPG online game' thought Don


"where's the hair icon" asked Nia as she pointed to the screen indicting for her brother to find it for her

"I thought you've played it before" stated Don as he saw Nia searching for the hair icon that was placed in the left side of the screen

"I have but on a phone not your PC"

"I can't find the symbol" confirmed Nia as she pointed to his PC screen

"here let me help" stated Don as he took the mouse from her and clicked on hair icon as the scene returned back to school

"Nia was the reason"

"that would explain it" stated Mike as he pushed open the door for both he and Don to walk in

'sure... '

'you can continue thinking that way' thought Don as he moved to one of the school locker and opened it removing a pair of white shoes and placing them inside as Mike rested on one of them just waiting for Don to rreturn the shoe and commence their journey

Tish was seen still standing on the stairs as she looks at Don placing his sneakers before turning and dragging Mike along with him when he said something that made Don to roll his eyes


'should I?' thought Tish as she sees Don moving towards the steps, he places his leg on the first stair seeming to catch Tish eye before moving forward pass her as Mike trail behind

Tish looks at the back of the retreating Don as an idea struck her and her glued feet moved from their position, as fast she stretched out and gripped Don wrist which stopped his ascend


Don turned to stare at Tish as he tried to pull his wrist from her but her grip was tight as it didn't even fase her while Mike just looked dumbfounded he looked at Tish and saw her giving him a glare which if he was stone would have already started cracking from the intensity

The scenario looked like a girl trying to confess her love to her crush with Mike as a third wheel, he quickly noticed and then

"I'll leave"

"see you in class Don" stated Mike as he ran from the stairs

The hall was silence as they were the only ones remaining

"We need to talk" stated Tish as she moved closer but then


"meet me on the rooftop at 5"

"I have something to say to you" said Tish as she took off running leaving Don to continuing staring after her

'What now?'

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