Hours before Eva accident.
21 year old John kelly stood in front of a movie set dressed in black and the movie director speaks
" Camera rolling, Action". John kelly begins to run swiftly across a major road running towards a girl about crossing the road. A large mack truck moving swiftly from a corner drove out from a lane and John jumps in front of the truck pushing the girl out of the road and the truck rammed into John's body.[FOURTH WALL DEFENSE ACTIVATED]
Just before the truck touches John's body, his blue eyes begins to gleam and the front of the truck coming in contact with John suddenly crashed into several damage part.
"Action cut" the director shouted walking towards John. He looks at him, inflicted with several wound injury but they begin to heal however the front of the vehicle to the engine of the mack truck was destroyed beyond repair.
"Are you some sort of clark kent of Superman or what? I have only seen these in movies but to happen in real life. What are you John?". The movie director stretching out his hand, John stood up to his feet and replied.
"I am ok and I am John kelly the stuntman and not superman". He begins to walk away and the director looking at him in amazement.
" Camera Rolling, Action" John's is seen jumping from different buildings and under taking dangerous task like jumping from an helicopter, climbing walls like spider man, fighting several movie stage guys on set and anytime John should fall and get injured. His body begins to heal.
John looking at his injured body recovery thought to himself.
It's has always been my dream to be a movie stuntman and in the future, to become a movie actor however I am stuck with the role of a stuntman because of my amazing body and speed to quickly recover. After that day, at the lab, I soon discovered significant rapid changes frequently occuring over my body and also my out burst of violent rage to tear anything and everything apart. I was young when my dad disappeared and the only clues I had was the tattoos those me....n. John's phone rings."Hello, mum?" A you brat, you now making money and you feel you don't need to call or come home huh?""Mom, is not like that, it jus.....t""Just what brat? Just what brat? I hope you did not forget the family prayers we have today. Your elder sister and younger brother are already in the church waiting for us. I am on my way and I just called to remind you".
"Oh, that's true, almost forgot. I will see you soon mom".
"See, you forgot, bush man!. You just like your father?""I am sorry mom, I love you mom"." You think you can bribe me with that. I am hanging up. I love you too".My mother can be mean when she wants to be and also be a sweetheart when she is mean. Family prayers, I forgot, my mother a christian and would say a very religious believer. Ever since that day my father disappeared. Things turn bad to worse. My father's true name is Arnold however due to the love from my grandfather whose name was Lincoln. He was called lincoln junior. My grandfather Lincoln was a wealthy billionaire who owns chains of industry. He married his wife Elena and I was told that Elena died while giving birth . My father lincoln Arnold and his step brother Lancelot Arnold were not truly blood brothers.My father the apparent heir and the favorite child. As it was said about the children, if one is good , calm and collected and the other was like a comedian who did not take things seriously. Like polar opposite of each other. My father's dream was to become a scientist and in so, my grandfather enrolled him into military school so he could have some basic of military knowledge.
He was a genius in every thing he did and soon became a top professor in his field while working for the government. Lancelot was somewhat never in good terms with him and hated my father for his skills and gifted abilities esp. in the healing aspect like me.
When my dad was taking away by armored men. Suddenly, my grandfather was murdered and the company was shifted to him. My mother and his family was throw out to the slumps where our suffering began. My mother was a child of a wealthy family however they never supported the marriage.
They abandoned her and in those moments of crisis, my mother turned to the christian fate. My mother brings the entire family for prayers together to pray for my father's return because it is when he returns that's when alot of things can change. I hope so not after what I have found so far.
Today, After the prayers, I have to meet with Eva. The girl I have loved and crush on for a while. She is special and today I will get a final response to us dating as a couple.
John kelly stands up from his sit and he begins to walk. He meets up with the director and explains things to him and then he boarded a cab.
Few minutes later, John kelly arrives in front of a large church structure with trees surrounding it. He enters the church and he sees three figure he is familiar with on their knees in front of the cross of Jesus.
"You are late fish". A beautiful fair skinned lady with dark long hair reaching her shoulders narrow her eyes. John's elder sister frowns her face glaring her dark eyes at him".
"Good evening, christabel, you still drinking milk adding to that huge breast of yours you already have?"
"Shut up, you brat, address me properly as elder sister. I am going to kill you if you keep making fun of my breast. Many men will kill because of large breasts"."hmmp, like mother like daughter. always calling Brat?""Cut it out, we are here to pray and not talk about breast and John stop teasing your sister, leave her alone". John's mother cuts in and turns looking at her daughters breast.
"Well, on serious note my daughter, your large breasts his trouble, it should fetch us quite a some. Hahahaha" John's mother teased.
"Moooother" christabel frowns angrily.
"See, mother quite agree with me hahahaha".
"Welcome brother". A young pale skinned boy with dark eyes and white hair of age 14 speaks out while smiling and twitching his eye Brown at John."Noah, how are you? How is school?" John questioned.
"It's is fine. I brought the merchandise" Noah whispering silently and codely sliping out a magazine with naked women in front of it and smiles at John. John raised his hand giving him thumps up while bringing out some money from his breast pocket"."I got your money, here" John silently whispered to him.
The entire family falls on their knees praying to God for the safe return of their father and restoration of their family's wealth. Suddenly, John's phone rings out."Baby Sweet Eva calling" John's mother turns her face looking at him with a furious frown narrowing her gaze.
"I told you to turn off your phone when we are in prayers".
"I am sorry mother, please excuse me. I got to pick these call". John gets up on his feet and begins to walk towards the church door. Coming out of the door with a smile waving his hands at Eva a distance crossing the road when a luxurious lamborghini car driving furious came flying through. John's eye widens..................
The sun fades into the night revealing the beautiful orange colors on modern concrete Towering city scrappers covered in transparent glasses and tall modern buildings with giant holographic billboards.
Galatia, Nectar a large city constructed on floating island, pedestrians with electronic devices covering thier eyes moving to and fro, noise of hovers vehicle travels the air as roars of motor from bikes, cars ,trucks travels hovering through the wide busy roads as the traffic light go green. Multitude of pedestrians crossing the road attentive to their screen in their eyes. multitude of people stood watching a large holographic TV screen display in towering giant building. A pentagonal castled ships docking to the island.
Occasionally, the sound of distant trains sounded as bells of hover horns from scooter tickled one's ears due to a passing cyclers. Somewhere in Galatia city is a towering structure with a name DEVIL MAY CRY CLUB.
It's one of the most prestigious club in the city known for it's class, luxurious demi women and for prominent demi men of social status and wealth.
The owner of the billionaire club sat in one of the VIP room with flickering disco colours of light and music in the club.
He pours himself a cup of whisky and brings the glass to his lips, and drank heavily as though he was parched. He pours himself another, drinking his whiskey liquor while looking at a gorgeous strippers dancing with a pole with Ill intent.
An lady with bunny ears. She has black hair, pale skin on black bra and black pants with a tail. Derrick lifts his hand over his Blondie hair and re affix his ocean eyes on the striper with delirious thoughts flashing through the corners of his mind. He remove his black tie from his expensive black suit while losing part of his button down black t shirt. He drinks his whiskey tugging the empty cup at the table and walks straight to the stripper.
He grabs her by the waist and pulls her roughly to his body staring into her eyes. His lips crash into hers lips, squeezing her body to himself and, his lips besieging her passionately , his tongue invaded her mouth ferociously and the young lady tries to retreat however he violently gives her a resounding slap across her cheek and grabs her wrist. with a swift motions he bends her arm by force and shove her elbow behind her back brandishing her face against the table with her butt and tail revealing it self to his desires.
He reach for his zippers sliding it down swiftly.
Few seconds a later, a separate noise kept echoing in the walls of the sacred walls of the club. Plop!plop!plop! The slapping noise of butts hitting the thigh and the moaning kept echoing the room. The moaning echoing violently from the room and severally minutes later, he staggers out of the room opening the door and the lady in tears.
He walks out from the club to his luxurious Lamborghini red car station outside the club. High class demi Women winks their cat like eyes and some woes at him. He shut the door snorting at them inside his car. Derrick, born of a duke high elf known for their long ears. The car tires to his vehicle was top notch made by the best car steel company. The four runner tires folded into the car and it jolting blue gas out the tires.
Two exhausts pipes from the luxurious car burst black steam which boosted with sheer amount of force the car as it travels forward. Steam burst out boosting the car mid air several meters before it came to a slowed down hovering the magnetic mid air that pulls down the hover to the tarred magnetic road.
The car traveling down a street and suddenly he felt really dizzy in side the car as he had drank quite heavily. Suddenly, the car's flash light shines brightly on the road and Eva crossing turns her head to looks at the unexpected bright flash of light as the car rammed her into air with a sheer amount of force. Her body acrobatically spills twice in mid air before violently falling bashing her head against the tarred road.
Torrents of blood splatters on the floor. The car folded out it's tires screaming on the road obeying the command of the car.
Instantly , the door of car opens and the young man comes down from his vehicle.
She manage to lift her injured head with blood worming her body on the ground. Her eyes widened
" I know you, you are the Duke's son Derrick?" Eva spoke out. Her eyes begins grow blurring and could to see double of Derrick.
The man looking at Eva In her pool of blood looks suprised and he said.
"What the f*uk? What the hell! shit, you always in my way Eva. Why must it be you and your sickening sense of justice".
He looks to and fro for witnesses before he swifty retraced his footsteps back to his car and puts it on reverse mode driving swiftly aimed at climbing over Eva.
Eva looking at the car in reverse mode drove quickly climbing atop of her body and before the cars folded into the car hovering off in speed. She instantly colasped. John shocked at the moment looking at everything that happened ran towards Eva.
"Eva! Eva! He shouted as he tries to wake her up but Eva had fainted completely. At that moment when he tries to revive Eva, the door of a black car stationed across the road suddenly swings open
A tall slim pale skinned man with brown eyes on black suit holding a cigar comes down from his car and begins to walk towards John. He reaches to his inner pocket and swaps his phone making a phone call as he drags his cigar for a smoke. A voice questions from the call.
"Hello, Sylvester. What has my son done this time? The Election is around the corner and I don't want any disturbances that might hinder my progress. Do you understand what I mean?" Questioned the voice
"I understand congressman"
" Well sir, raping a club stripper although I swiftly settled the matter with large sum of cash as per your orders however this time. He might really end up in jail. He just knocked a lady moments ago and it seems the lady recognized him".
"Can you take care of it with out any suspicion" the voice replies
"Luckily, there seem to be just one witnesses where the crime took place. I will take care of it".
"Good, I will transfer the cash to your account". The call ended and the tall man walks towards John and said.
"Am sorry kid for your bad luck. You just happened to be at the right place at the wrong time". He brings out a black gun with a silencer and aimed it at Johns head. John turns his face towards the gun looking at the man in shock and the man pressed the muzzle.
"But you are human. Human's should protect each other." John said
"Forgive me but you have to die" he pulls the trigger
WARSAW-the sons of war   8: NECTAR THE ORIGIN
I believe you might be wondering how come I have a system. Well then lets go back to the lane of memories as I tell you a story about us, Derrick, Eva , me and my family. And how it started with one man who was my favorite Beloved father ... John lifts his head looking at a bullet firing from Slys gun. The bullet flew into the air accompanied by share amount of force and whirlwind, his life flashing before his eyes. Suddenly, he remembers his father and him walking side by side to his lab. His father tried to let in him on a little secret. "Son, you know i am well known as a genius and highly intelligent but the truth is, I am slightly higher than most human beings. I am what they used to call an omega before my transcendence to an Alpha. I used to weakest of that intelligent being in the wolf kingdom". "Father what do you mean? what's is an Omega/ alpha?" John Questioned "Hmmmp, how do I begin to explain all these. you are my legacy and his right to know what lurks around in t
WARSAW-the sons of war   9: ATTACK IN A LAB
"John, now you have heard little of my story, as time goes by, I will tell you about my life and the wolf kingdom. But for now, let me show you what we have been working on, so are you ready?" Questioned a tall pale skinned man with dark eyes on a white lab coat standing in front of an eagle military base camp at Galatia looking at 16 year old John on red high school jacket and blue jean. "You have been bugging me telling to show you where I work and some related history about my job at the base and so here we are John, your father is a top billionaire scientist working in a military lab. I told you these story because I know what happened in your school was not your fault. You suffer bully from the high elves however your three months suspension will not go to waste. We are going to do what I call father and son bonding". "I am a scientist and I discover and invents things that's what we make the world to believe but the truth is we conduct experiment to create the utimate human so
WARSAW-the sons of war   10: AWAKENING GAIA
"Are you afraid?, you should be after all I have to pay your father his due debt for turning my body into a living experiment". "You killed so many people and tried to control the government and that's why you are here. You no hero of justice" Arnold lash out. Stalion walks in front of him and Arnold sees Stalion's fist fly through the air into his face. He aims the gun and points it at Arnold's head. "On your knees," Arnold falls on his knees "You think you know the truth Arnold. I was a soldier protecting his nation. I went to train with the marine forces, the best of the best because the government said it will help combat crime against the people of Gaia. I help to bring a revolution to end the civil war but what did I get paid for it. I went into various wars and peace keeping battles and missions across countries, celebrated with some metallic medals but while I thought I was doing my duty to my country. My country and his military stabbed me in the f*cking back. My only
WARSAW-the sons of war   11: HOT PURSUIT
John lifts his head looking at the gun fires a bullet at him in slow motion aiming for his head. His eyes glitches back seven sec seconds into the future of his foresee death by the bullet thrusting into his head and his vision returns back to normal with sly holding his gun shooting at him. He swiftly shifts head left from the bullets projectile trajectory while simultaneously using his right hand knocking off the gun from his assailants hand. [HEART RAGE-51%] His face shifted, his teeth crawling out from his hidden spot. His finger nails growing out claws with side beards grow into fur. His blue eyes turns red as an alpha and he speaks. "alpha Teejay, your death by my claws has given much power. Thanks to you and gray I can use my abilities to its maximum potential". The gun falling on the floor, sly swiftly rams his fist into the air aiming for John's face however John swings his claws up clawing and tearing Sly's suit as he simultaneously shifted back avoiding those claws.
WARSAW-the sons of war   12: GREAT ESCAPE
The bullets travels the open air behind John thrusting into his right leg thrusting out from the front part of his leg. "Kyyyahaaaaaa!!". John falls crashing on the floor however it was not wolfs bane. He gets up leaping and continue running. Sly arrange his mini rifle behind his shoulder holding his assault bomber rifile and walks back. He sees a white small hover car driving with a female passenger and the driver on the road. He aims the gun and shoot wildly at the drivers sit killing the driver in cold blood. The lady opens the car and begins to run. Bang! A bullet travels through her the back of her head into her brain bursting out of her skull. Sly drags the driver on the floor and enters the car. He puts the GPS tracker inside the car and two exhaust pipe engine burst open in smoke and the car travels in speed. John running out from the Forest of trees into an open road standing in front of a large river he won't be able to cross. He rush to drink water and tears watered his
WARSAW-the sons of war   13: THE GREAT ESCAPE 2
The van explodes into the air stumbling upside down. John running, crossing the busy road to the opposite side of the bridge already knowing what is going to happen. He runs swiftly mustering all the energy he could as if he was going to a jump out on the right side of the bridge then suddenly dashes his foot on the tarred floor of the right side of the bridge and turns back running towards the Gatling sub mini machine gun helicopter stationed closely to the burning white van. Immediately another helicopter flys over by the right side of the bridge behind john where he turned from and begins to shoot at John inside the bridge. With both sides having steam punk hover helicopters shooting wildly at John and the van stumbling upside down simultaneously engulfed in flame. John runs with all his might and speed aiming for the gunner of the Gatling sub machine gun at his left. [EXTERMINATE ANY OBJECT THAT THREATENING YOUR EXISTENCE] [QUEST - CRASH THE HOVER PUNK HELICOPTER] [REWARDS-2
WARSAW-the sons of war   14: JOHN AWAKENINGS
After all the incident that occurred in my previous school which gave lot of problems to me controlling my abilities and the only reason i ever agreed to these bizzard mission is because it will gave me some clues to my father's whereabouts. The past three months has been hell for me. After the bite from my father which activated the mixture of blood with a dead experimental alpha wolf and Gaia content. i woke up with a voice calling her self Gaia and she told me about the system which I will likely talk about later. I discovered that my life had totally change with most notable changes with the system. If my heart rage crosses more than 50% due to my quick to anger and heart beat pounding rapidly. I noticed growing of my finger nails into claws, patches of Fur showing up on my face, Speed and strength which also results to quick body healing in some amazing rate. Any heart rate more than 100% will transform me into a mindless zombie werewolf. My father, I stand to corrected used
WARSAW-the sons of war   15: JOHN AND EVA
I kept looking at my status in disbelief. I thought I was mad or something but the screen kept popping up blocking my vision especially the damn daily quest alarm. As the time goes by disobeying the daily quest missions. The alarm clock in the system kept ticking with a loud sound. Each passing minutes, hour I failed to respond to the quest the alarm sounded, louder and louder like I had two giant speakers inserted on my head. I tried to focus but the sound was more louder overshadowing even the nosiest busy streets and it's vehicles. I could barely hear what the nurses or doctor or what anybody was saying. I could see their lips moving but the sound had overshadowed everything. After checking more about my system. I had no choice but to obey. Immediately I started running around the hospital. The alarm sound reduced to the point I won't go insane. While I obey, my screen tab pops up a warning mail in my vision. -YOU HAVE A WARNING MAIL--- [HEART RAGE IS FUELED BY EMOTIONS. PENALTY
Latest Chapter
He gave Annabelle a task to control the realm and born him a son of half man and half God that he can reincarnate into, an indestructible Body that can give him form of human without limiting his powers and Annabelle swiftly shape shifted her forces called Valkyries and with the help of the stone she gave them insane powers and abilities and began to plant them secretly in the God guardian realms and thousands realms to cause chaos, deceit and hatred in the realms.Humanity and demi humanoid beings and creature looks up at the sky as towered dungeon descending across the planet realms. The sky king of the earth and his people thought it was a gift from the guardians. At first, nothing happened but after a year, demons with black philosopher stone began to invade earth at night and then invade other planets.Soon they discovered that the stone gave them immunity to the sun and they began to invade earth, day and night and committing all sort of taboo, killing humanity, mankind suffer a
John smiles and said to himself. "I am feeling stronger. I can be come stronger than any one". John smiles. He walked to the bathroom and showered. Ate food from the kitchen and went to sleep. John's body now Abit stronger begins to slowly change into a better model build. By morning John open his eyes and his system pops up with the normal 10km run and reminds him of the full moon coming. [7DAYS TO FULL MOON] [HEART RAGE 29+] John prepared for school. Once again he was infront of his school and he was among other students who was walking into school. It's been weeks since he enrol for the mathematics competition and the mock exam into the competition was today. He walked into his class and here she was sited again. The girl of misery Mary oxford on dark blue and black top on black jeans and all star shoes. She was gorgeous and John notices Vivian looking at them but he walked minding his business to his sit. Looking at Vivian he didn't feel anything but looking at Mary oxford and
[YOUR ATTACK SPEED HAD INCREASED][UNDERSTANDING OF MANTIS HAS INCREASED][YOU HAVE KILLED 4 LIVING BEING][200 EXP AWARDED]John swinging and cutting down his enemies when suddenly John's eyes widen. He sees ten prayer mantis surrounded him. They simotanously thrusts down their bladed hands into the air bring it down at John to pirece him.[200 EXP USED- YOU HAVE ACHIEVED THE CONDITION TO UNLOCK ZOMBIE WEREWOLF INSTINCT][WEREWOLF INSTINCT - ACTIVATED] Ability to use six sense heighten the human five senses.[200 EXP USED- YOU HAVE ACHIEVED THE CONDITION TO UNLOCK ZOMBIE WOLF SPRINT-][MP ZOMBIE WOLF SPRINT- LEVEL 1 ACTIVATED] John looking at the sharp bladed hands thrusting down it's trajectory in speed however the prayer mantis suprised as John had vanished from their sight and their bladed hand Pierced the rocky ground. They turn their faces looking for John however he was above them descending down acrobatically spinning his body simotanously swinging his claw hands at the same
42: Kill zone
John shocked zips up his jacket and walked into the brightness of the lightning door and the door close behind him. His system pops up.[YOU HAVE ENTERED AN E RANK DUNGEON. YOU MUST CLEAR E RANK DUNGEON TO A RANK DUNGEON TO OBTAIN THE WOLF SLIM]John gupped his spit. He was looking at a cave made of shard rock. He begins to walk into the cave and his system pops up his stats.NAME: JOHN KELLY ARNOLDWORLD: EARTHRACE: HUMANTITLE/CLASS- ZOMBIE WEREWOLF WEREWOLF[WARRIOR]GENDER:MALELEVEL :1HP:100/100HEARTRAGE-10%MP:100/100STRENGTH-10 VITALITY- 9 AGILITY:15 INTELLIGENCE: 19 SENSE SKILLS: 8MP: SKILL OF SENSE- PASSIVE PHYSIQUE LV1 SKILLS- ATTACK POWER: LV1SPRINT SKILL- LV1- PASSIVEMP ZOMBIE WOLF SPRINT-1INVENTORY- ITEM SKILLSOTHER SKILLS: LOCKED[SYSTEM PREPARING YOU FOR WOLF CLAW ATTACK POWER STRENGTHEN AND LEVELING UP. EACH RANK TAKES A DAY][RANK E - DEFEAT THE KING OF PRAYER MANTIS]John turns his face and sees that the white door behind was shut then vanished from sight a
41: New changes
What? Eat what now eat slim wolf?. What's that. Well I guess I will review it later" John walking home and suddenly he notices a dark shadow on the floor. The shadow was from his body. It was John's shadow but it elongated forming a shape of a fearful large werewolf giant on the ground in place of his shadow. John feared and panicked looking at the dark claws and head."What the hell?"John got home that evening and browse out what a slime wolf Is all about but there was nothing in the search engine about slime zombie wolf except few details about normal wolf Abilities....As the days draws closer to the day of werewolf full moon. I began notice strange hallucinating transformations. For example, walking in school and my shadow turns into a giant shadow Werewolf with black fur on the ground giving a fearful imagination that I had transformed. Rage and lack of control at times.Maybe, it was the side effects but I had more tormenting nightmares and more continuous hallucinations which
It took two week it to get back my self.John stand's in front of a white house with a restaurant in front. He walked into the house and meets up with his family. His daily quests pops up.[DAILY QUEST] RUNNING 10KM DAILYJohn stretching his body and knees begins to run ten kilometers run.Everyday I ran and practice exercises which includes push up and squats on the floor obeying the systems command. After learning that my uncle had taken over everything we had. The car, house and that luxury of wealth. All I could do is train physically and also forget whatever has happened in the past and embrace a new future and i decided to focus on my studies.Lucky, my school fees was already paid for the year by my father and I did not need to worry for that year but my sidling and mother do need it.I thought of ways to I could make money to help my family out of the money issues we where facing and a way came up and that only way I planned to get money to assist my family was through the ma
John walking into a church with intricate colors of white and brown. He walks in between the chairs left and right in a large cathedral hall. He stands looking at a cross of Jesus and he said."Father i pray to you to take away these curse which my father had placed on me. Things turned out worse for me." that day, I kneel before the large cross of Jesus in a large cathedral church alone and began to pray against my powers that's if it will go a way. I believe in Jesus and I was told he had the power to removed demons. I read the bible of his deed, curing the blind, healing the sick, and more interestingly casting out demons. I had believe I was possessed by a demon since I was not a vampire. I could walk under the sun and not get burnt and I don't need or drink blood. I scan the pages of the bible hoping to find some cure or clues to a cure however while I was praying that night inside the church. [FULL MOON HEART RAGE-45+%] [DUE TO THE FULL MOON. POWERS WILL INCREASE BY TEN FOLD
John soaked in his black blood, the river painted black as he sinks deeper into the river. his memories returns. He squeezed open his eyes and begins to swim in the river. He stretched out his arm out. His arm to his hand covers in bullets. John swept out of the river into river grass. He breaths heavily and moan with pain as he laid on the grasses floor. He coughs while looking up the dark sky. "How long was I out?" He questions His eyes roams and he sees a steel factory close by that brings back memories of the grid where he fought with Alpha Teejay. He begins to leap to the factory by the river bank. "If those bastard comes again to attack me. I will jump into the river as a means of Escape but this time I will do alot of damage to them before leaving". He leaps into factory, he reach for the door but it's locked. He breaks into glassy window and climbs into the factory. The steel factory has different gas pipe line and steel connecting from one large red cylindrical tank to va
I shove in my books into my bag and walked out of class to look for Vivian who was not in school. I walked looking for Vivian so she could pull down the video. Peter had called me to tell me where I could find Vivian and when I saw Peter. He was wearing the gang's jacket of Jason and then I began to connect the dots. I had gone to the private room which Peter said I could find Vivian and my eyes widened as I saw Vivian and Jason almost half naked making out in the club room. Jason looked at me and smiled while kissing her neck. It was there and then everything started to make sink in to me. Peter was in it also, he was the only one who knew the time and place and how I intended to get these questions papers. He probably, told the principal and also went to get the camera that morning perhaps he didn't have a clue I was still in the office. The only thing was why and from the connecting dots, Vivian got these videos from Jason to upload in her channel. I waited in class for Vivian