The event manager sent his underling over to Edgar.

The underling was a physically disabled guy, with a knee bent badly, so his walk was off, yet he unhesitatingly showed off as he came to Edgar, with a hand always placed on his healthy knee. “If you want to wrestle without waiting in the line, then follow me.” Saying that he turned and walked away.

Seeing this man, Edgar felt a sting in his leg, and he remembered his own past when he was a cripple. Though he didn’t walk as crazily as this fellow did, he still was incapable of walking as fast because it hurt a lot.

Pressing his lips a little, he followed the underling and reached the small ring. Inside of it was a wooden pillar, with a red-haired fellow sitting on the other side. He looked like he was in his late teens.

Though some people showed hostility toward Edgar, those people backed away when the manager waved fingers at them. Edgar then occupied his seat without anyone having to tell him, for he had done it once already.

“What’s your name?” Lulu cheekily smiled.

“Edgar. And yours?”

“You entered the ring without even knowing my name, huh,” Lulu shook his head. “Anyway, I’m Lulu. I hope you’ll put up a good fight.”

“Likewise,” said Edgar and faintly smiled.

Both of them put their right elbows on the wood before grabbing the handle with their left hand. Their right hands stopped at a touching distance.

“Young Master Lulu is gonna win this in a second!”

“He would even need a second!”


As the onlookers tried to put a big dent in Edgar’s confidence, the event manager came over and checked if their postures were all right. “Okay, lock your hands, and… Go!”

Both hands pressed the other.

“Kugh!” Lulu groaned in surprise and put all his strength. He thought that like all his previous 29 fights, this one would also end in a second, but he was wrong. No matter how hard he gritted his teeth, he couldn’t bend his opponent’s hand more than five to ten degrees. And what’s more, Edgar was pleasantly smiling. (This guy…) Lulu frowned and then quickly murmured. “Let me win, and a silver coin will be yours.”

Edgar was startled. A second later, he loosened his muscles, and BAM!

“Young Master Lulu won!”

“It was trickier than I thought, but in the end Young Master Lulu came through!”

“As expected of him!”

“He has thirty wins now! His training in the capital really paid off!”

As the crowd cheered Lulu on, Edgar stepped out of the ring and waited in the crowd.

The contest continued, and for the next fifteen or so minutes, it was Lulu’s show.

Lulu became the first person under twenty to win more than fifty straight wins. However, afterward, he stopped due to wrist pain, but he already exceeded people’s expectations, and everyone called him the Wrestling Wonder.

As Lulu was moving onto the next contest in line, many youngsters of the clan stuck to him like glue. Some among them were girls, who kept praising him whenever an opportunity arose.

However, before Lulu could get to the stone-breaking contest, Edgar came in his path and said, “Do you have a minute?”

Lulu stared at him but didn’t say anything.

“Huh? Why’s a loser daring to block Young Master’s way?”

“Step aside, you scoundrel, or I’ll show you morning stars!”

The other youngsters tried to scare him, but one crude glance from him made them shiver and move away.

Afterward, Edgar looked at Lulu with a disappointed look before turning and walking away. “I hope your wrist heals soon, Wrestling Wonder.”

Those parting words made Lulu twitch more than a little. He squeezed his hand and crushed the orange fruit.

About an hour later.

Edgar came back to the room, wondering whether he should go and play wrestling the next day or not. After all, outsiders who suffered a loss cannot continue playing on the same day, but they could still play other contests. As for locals, they couldn’t play any contest again in the same week. Since the reward money was taken out of the clan’s repository, the rules were followed pretty strictly.

However, at the same time, he felt like he lost the mood to play the game after what Lulu pulled.

“Maybe, I’ll try some other contest,” he muttered under his breath.

Upon seeing Edgar in his new red shirt and in his new short haircut, Fabby was immediately pleased. “He gave a thirty percent discount again, right?”

Edgar nodded. “Of course.”

“Good,” she nodded in satisfaction, but then her eyes looked at his empty hands. “Where’s the old dress?”

“Ah, that owner said that he’ll give the discount only if I give him that torn shirt.”

“What?” she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “How could you give it away like that? I would have stitched it to look anew! That old fox will do the same and sell that shirt as a second-grade product for a good price.”

“Eh?” Edgar was startled and also got angered a bit. “Let me go and get it back.”

“Ugh, forget it. He played you…” Fabby shook her head. “If we cause a ruckus there, then all the other shop owners will not take our side. That stingy old man...” she narrowed her eyes to a slit. “Just wait, I’ll make you slap your remaining teeth out one day.”

Her words somewhat brought brief tooth pain to the old shopkeeper. (Ugh, I shouldn’t have tried to chew on the chicken bone last night. He thought. Old habits are hard to get rid of.)

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