“If you don’t want to get cut into pieces, then give us all your valuables,” the head of the bandits, a six-and-half foot tall man, was smiling confidently as Edgar approached.

Edgar put the ale case down and said, “There’s ale inside. This is all I can give.”

“A few jars of ale won’t even last a night for us. Give us money. And of course, any and all valuables that you got.”

“I can’t,” Edgar was blunt. “If you don’t like it, then let’s fight.”

“Huh?” the bandits were surprised by his straightforwardness that came across as being more reckless. Why is this brat not afraid of the weapons they were wielding? Surely, he wasn’t thinking that these weapons were just for show, or was he?

“Don’t get my brother wrong, rowdy brot

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