After traveling a couple of miles in the direction Dusul pointed, Fabby arrived at a hut. However, it was already occupied by a senile man, who didn’t let her in for free. The deal was she had to cut wood for as long as she stayed, and she also had to make her own food.

Though she agreed, the real pain of cutting tough trees that grew near a pond was later greatly felt. They were so big and sturdy, and her inexperience only made things difficult. She got blisters on her hands on the first day, but she was still forced to work on the second day; however, now she wrapped a cloth over her hands.

The old man was watching her even though it didn’t seem like it. “At least she’s not thick in the head,” he thought.

It took hours to cut a single tree. And every tree moaned as it fell. Carrying l

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