Author: Brenderrose
Chapter 1

Ethan stood outside the bedroom door, his hand hovering just inches from the handle. The muffled laughter and intimate whispers coming from inside twisted his gut. He strained to make out the words, his heart pounding painfully in his chest.

“I can’t believe you’re still with that loser,” a male voice sneered.

“That’s because he’s useful, Brandon,” Lauren’s voice replied with a mocking lilt. “Besides, my grandfather insisted. He thought Ethan would bring us luck.”

“Lucky?” Brandon scoffed. “He’s nothing but a pathetic excuse for a man.”

Ethan’s knuckles whitened around the doorknob. The sting of their words pierced deeper than he thought possible. Summoning every ounce of courage, he threw the door open.

“What the hell is going on here?” Ethan’s voice trembled with a mix of anger and hurt.

Lauren and Brandon sprang apart, their faces reflecting shock, then annoyance. Lauren quickly composed herself, a cruel smile tugging at her lips.

“Ethan,” she drawled, not bothering to cover herself. “What are you doing home so early?”

“What am I—?” Ethan’s voice broke. “I’m your husband, Lauren! And you’re here…with him?”

Brandon leaned back casually against the headboard, a smug grin on his face. “Yeah, Ethan. What’s the problem? We were just having some fun. Why don’t you run along and make yourself useful?”

“You bastard!” Ethan charged forward, but Brandon effortlessly sidestepped him, pushing him onto the floor.

“Careful now,” Brandon taunted. “You might hurt yourself, Mr. Live-in Son-in-Law.”

Ethan scrambled to his feet, his eyes blazing. “Lauren, how could you do this? After everything I’ve done for you—for this family?”

Lauren rolled her eyes, slipping out of bed and reaching for her robe. “Everything you’ve done? Please, Ethan. What have you done besides being a burden?”

“I’ve given up my life for you! I’ve been there through everything, supported you—”

“Supported me?” Lauren’s voice dripped with disdain. “You think being a doormat is support? You’re pathetic, Ethan. You couldn’t even keep a job if my family didn’t pull strings for you.”

“Lauren, I love you. I’ve always loved you—”

“Love?” Lauren laughed, a harsh, mirthless sound. “You’re a fool. I’ve never loved you. The only reason I married you was because Grandpa thought you’d bring us good fortune. You’re nothing to me.”

Ethan staggered backward as if slapped, his world crumbling around him. “You… you’re lying.”

“She’s not,” Brandon cut in, enjoying every moment. “She’s been with me for years now. And I’m not just some charity case like you. I’m going places, Ethan. With Lauren by my side.”

“Shut up!” Ethan roared. “This is between me and my wife.”

“Wife?” Lauren scoffed. “Don’t kid yourself, Ethan. I’m only tied to you on paper. And that’s about to change.”

“What do you mean?”

Brandon smirked, stepping closer to Ethan. “It means you’re out, buddy. The Williams family from D.C. is backing me now. We’re expanding, and your pathetic little role in this family is over.”

“I don’t care about any of that,” Ethan said, his voice breaking. “Lauren, please, I love you. Let’s talk about this. We can fix it.”

“Fix it?” Lauren’s eyes narrowed. “There’s nothing to fix, Ethan. I’m done pretending. You’re nothing but a useless man clinging to my family’s wealth. Brandon is who I want to be with.”

Brandon moved in front of Ethan, his voice low and menacing. “You heard her. You’re a nobody. So why don’t you crawl back to whatever hole you came from?”

Ethan’s fists clenched. He lunged at Brandon, but Brandon was ready. With one swift motion, he slammed his fist into Ethan’s gut. Ethan doubled over, gasping for air.

“See what I mean, Lauren?” Brandon chuckled. “He’s weak. Pathetic.”

Lauren watched, her face emotionless. “Just get out, Ethan. You don’t belong here anymore.”

Ethan struggled to stand, clutching his stomach. “This is my house too, Lauren. I—”

A voice from the hallway interrupted them. “Not anymore.”

Ethan turned to see Gloria, his mother-in-law, standing at the door, her arms crossed. She looked at him with a mixture of pity and disdain.

“Gloria, please, you know I’ve done everything I can for this family,” Ethan pleaded.

Gloria shook her head. “You’ve done enough, Ethan. We don’t need you anymore. We’ve secured the deal with the Williams family. Your presence is… unnecessary.”

“Even after everything, the prophecy—”

“Enough!” Gloria snapped. “That prophecy means nothing. You’re nothing. Get out before I call security.”

Ethan’s shoulders slumped. He turned to Lauren one last time, his eyes filled with desperation. “Please, Lauren… don’t do this.”

But Lauren’s eyes were cold. “It’s over, Ethan. Leave.”

The finality in her voice shattered something inside him. Ethan stumbled out of the room, his vision blurring as tears filled his eyes. He barely registered the laughter behind him as he made his way out of the house.

Outside, the cool night air hit his face, but it did nothing to numb the pain in his chest. He staggered a few steps before his knees buckled, and he collapsed onto the pavement. Darkness threatened to consume him.

A sleek Maybach pulled up beside him. The door opened, and a pair of elegant heels stepped onto the ground. Ethan looked up through his tears to see a strikingly beautiful woman staring down at him.

“Is this… Ethan?” she asked, her voice hesitant.

Ethan could only nod weakly, his vision swimming.

The woman sighed, turning to her bodyguards. “Get him into the car.”

“But Miss Rebecca—”

“Just do it,” she ordered. She knelt beside Ethan, her eyes scanning his face. “I don’t know what happened to you, but my grandfather believed in your family. He believed you had potential. I’m not so sure, but I suppose we’ll see.”

Ethan felt his consciousness fading as they lifted him into the car. Before he passed out, he felt a cool jade pendant being pressed into his hand.

“This is from my grandfather,” Rebecca murmured. “He made a promise to your father, and I intend to keep it.”

The last thing Ethan saw was the pendant glowing faintly as it merged into his skin, a warmth spreading through his body, hinting at a transformation that had just begun.

He lost consciousness, unaware that this was the start of a journey that would change his life forever.

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