Chapter 3

Ethan stood awkwardly beside Rebecca’s bed, the tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife. The doctor, Dr. Martin, glared at him with undisguised contempt, while Rebecca’s bodyguards hovered menacingly close, their eyes fixed on Ethan as if he were a dangerous criminal.

“You want to what?” Dr. Martin’s voice dripped with incredulity. “Place your hand on her chest? Who do you think you are?”

Ethan swallowed hard, feeling the weight of everyone’s stares. “I… I know it sounds strange, but I can help. I have some knowledge—”

“Knowledge?” The doctor sneered. “You’re not a doctor, and you think you can just waltz in here and—”

“Dr. Martin,” Rebecca’s voice cut through the room like a whip. “Enough.”

Dr. Martin turned to her, his face flushing with frustration. “Miss Rebecca, I can’t let him—”

“I said enough.” Rebecca’s eyes were cold, and the room fell silent. She turned her gaze to Ethan, her expression unreadable. “You have ten minutes, Ethan. Do whatever you need to do.”

The bodyguards exchanged glances, clearly unhappy with the decision. One of them, a burly man with a shaved head, stepped forward. “Miss Rebecca, this is highly inappropriate. We can’t allow—”

“I don’t recall asking for your permission,” Rebecca said coolly. “Stand down.”

The bodyguard hesitated, then stepped back reluctantly, his eyes never leaving Ethan. Dr. Martin, fuming, crossed his arms and shot Ethan a warning look. “If you try anything, I won’t hesitate to call security.”

Ethan nodded, his throat dry. “I understand.”

He took a deep breath, his heart pounding as he approached Rebecca’s bed. She lay back, her eyes studying him intently, searching for any sign of deceit.

“Are you sure about this?” she asked quietly.

“Yes,” Ethan replied, though his voice wavered slightly. He wiped his palms on his pants, feeling the weight of everyone’s scrutiny. “Please, trust me.”

Rebecca gave a small nod and loosened the top button of her shirt, exposing her collarbone. Ethan felt his face flush but forced himself to focus. He placed his trembling hand gently on her chest, over her heart, and closed his eyes.

“What are you doing?” Dr. Martin’s voice was sharp, but Ethan didn’t respond. He was already concentrating, visualizing the Qi energy he had learned about in his dream. He imagined it as a powerful dragon, coiling within his core, ready to be channeled.

A faint warmth spread from his palm, and he began to guide the energy into Rebecca’s body. The sensation was strange, almost surreal, as if he were connecting to something beyond himself. He could feel her heartbeat beneath his hand, strong and steady, and he focused on sending the energy deeper, where he sensed the blockages in her lungs.

Rebecca’s eyes widened slightly as the warmth spread through her chest, but she remained silent, watching him with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism.

“Is this supposed to be some kind of joke?” Dr. Martin muttered. “He’s probably just—”

“Quiet,” Rebecca ordered, her voice strained but firm. “Let him finish.”

Ethan felt sweat trickling down his temple, but he ignored it. He pushed the energy further, envisioning the dragon breaking through the blockages, clearing the path for her breath to flow freely.

Rebecca’s breathing hitched, and she let out a soft gasp. The warmth intensified, spreading through her chest like the soothing heat of a hot spring. For a moment, she almost believed it might be working. But then, the sensation shifted, becoming uncomfortable, and she winced.

“Ethan, stop,” she whispered, her voice tight. “It’s not—”

“Please, just a little longer,” Ethan pleaded, his eyes still closed. “I’m almost done.”

Rebecca’s patience frayed as the discomfort grew. She struggled to breathe, her frustration mounting. “Ethan, stop! It’s not working!”

Dr. Martin stepped forward, his face red with anger. “This is absurd! Miss Rebecca, I’m putting an end to this right now!”

He reached out to grab Ethan’s arm, but Ethan pulled away, removing his hand from Rebecca’s chest. He stepped back, his face pale and drawn, but his eyes were steady.

“It’s done,” he said quietly. “You’ll feel better in about ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes?” Rebecca sat up, her eyes flashing with anger. “What do you mean, ten minutes? I can’t even breathe properly!”

The bodyguards moved closer, their hands resting on their weapons. The tension in the room spiked, and Ethan could feel their hostility like a physical force.

“Miss Rebecca, this man is clearly a fraud,” Dr. Martin seethed. “Let me call security. He should be arrested for this!”

Rebecca’s eyes narrowed as she looked at Ethan. “Did you think you could take advantage of me, Ethan? Is that why you wanted to touch me?”

“No!” Ethan shook his head vehemently. “I swear, that’s not it at all! Just give it a few minutes. I promise you’ll feel better.”

Rebecca’s gaze was cold, her jaw clenched. “And what if I don’t?”

Ethan swallowed hard, his voice barely a whisper. “Then I’ll leave. I won’t bother you again.”

A tense silence filled the room. Rebecca glanced at the clock on the wall, then back at Ethan. “Fine. You have ten minutes. But if this doesn’t work…”

“It will,” Ethan said, though he wasn’t sure if he was convincing her or himself.

The minutes dragged on, each second feeling like an eternity. Rebecca’s breathing grew labored, her face pale and strained. Dr. Martin’s glare never left Ethan, and the bodyguards edged closer, ready to pounce.

“This is ridiculous,” Dr. Martin muttered, shaking his head. “You’re making it worse!”

Ethan remained silent, his eyes fixed on Rebecca. The tension in the room was suffocating, and he could feel his heart pounding against his ribs. He knew he was running out of time.

Rebecca coughed violently, doubling over as pain shot through her chest. “Damn it, Ethan! You lied to me!”

Ethan took a step back, his hands trembling. “Just a little more time. Please.”

The bodyguards stepped forward, their expressions dark. “Enough of this nonsense. Miss Rebecca, we’re taking him out of here.”

Rebecca, gasping for breath, raised a hand weakly. “No. Not yet. He still has… two minutes.”

The bodyguards exchanged incredulous looks but didn’t move. Dr. Martin threw his hands up in exasperation. “This is insane! You’re risking your life for—”

“Quiet,” Rebecca rasped, her eyes never leaving Ethan’s. “I want to see this through.”

Ethan’s heart sank as the seconds ticked by. He had never felt so helpless, so exposed. All he could do was stand there, waiting for the inevitable.

The final minute approached, and Rebecca’s patience snapped. “This is pointless! You—”

Her words were cut off by a violent coughing fit. She doubled over, her body shaking as she struggled to breathe. The bodyguards surged forward, but Rebecca held up a hand, signaling them to stay back.

Then, suddenly, she let out a strangled gasp, and a dark, turbid substance spewed from her mouth, staining the sheets. Her body convulsed, and she collapsed back onto the pillows, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath.

“Miss Rebecca!” Dr. Martin rushed to her side, his face pale with fear. “What’s happening?”

Rebecca’s eyes fluttered open, and she took a deep, shaky breath. “I… I can breathe.”

Ethan stared in disbelief as Rebecca sat up, her hand pressed to her chest. The look of shock on her face mirrored his own.

“It worked,” she whispered, her voice filled with wonder. “It actually worked.”

The bodyguards and Dr. Martin exchanged stunned glances, their expressions a mix of confusion and disbelief. Dr. Martin leaned closer, his hand trembling as he checked Rebecca’s pulse.

“This is… impossible,” he muttered. “I don’t understand.”

Rebecca looked up at Ethan, her eyes wide with a mixture of amazement and gratitude. “How did you…?”

Ethan shook his head, still reeling from what had just happened. “I don’t know. I just… I just did what I learned.”

Dr. Martin straightened, his face pale and shaken. “This doesn’t make any sense. What did you do to her?”

“I helped her,” Ethan said simply, his voice steady. “That’s all.”

Rebecca’s gaze softened, and she reached out, her hand trembling slightly as it brushed against his. “Thank you, Ethan. I don’t know how you did it, but… thank you.”

Ethan felt a rush of relief and something else—something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Pride.

Dr. Martin cleared his throat, still looking shaken. “This… this is unprecedented. Miss Rebecca, we should run some tests to make sure—”

“Later, Doctor,” Rebecca interrupted gently. “For now, I just need to rest.”

She looked back at Ethan, a small smile playing on her lips. “And you, Ethan, you should stay. I think we have a lot to talk about.”

Ethan nodded, his heart lighter than it had been in years. “I’d like that.”

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