Chapter 6

"Mr. C Clave! Is there a problem? Your cough doesn't sound too right?" Said Mr. Jail with his voice pitching to a mocking tune.

Clinton wouldn't dare to respond to these words. He stared at the crowd that was still praising him and back at Linda who was still him.

Multiple possibilities raced through his head. The amount in his account was way less than that.

But he could not tell the crowd that he didn't have such an amount of money. Not after everything. The large lump that he had swallowed was stuck down his throat.

But quickly, he braised himself up, cleaning off the sweat before anyone in the crowd or the beautiful damsel would notice anything.

"Fifty thousand dollars! That was what you think is too much for me to afford?" Clinton scoffed.

His shirt was all sweaty for no reason once again no matter the control he tried to pull. The only thing that he could do now was use his family account and face the wrath of his father when he got home.

With a large lump going down his throat once again, he suddenly muttered.

"Here's my card! Make it fast and Let's get this over with already!" Clinton seemed to voice the words casually but on the inside, he was crumbling.

Taking the card away, Clinton stared at the little girl while pushing forward an awkward smile that covered his shaking heart.

"Don't soon! You will be free, together with the rest of her family! Just try to avoid people like him who have nothing to offer in the future!" He growled.

The card was ready but when Clinton punched the keys for the passcode, the account suddenly flashed red, revealing before everyone with a loud beep.

"Insufficient funds!" It is red.

The words sent ripples of shock running through the skin of everyone, especially Clinton. Who could not believe his ears?

"Let it be that I'm not hearing properly again!" He thought firmly as he stared, lost in his gaze.

"Mr. Clinton! It seems like you're out of cash!"

"That can't be! I think that it's some sort of mistake! Let's try again!" He chuckled awkwardly.

They tried again and again but each of them came out with the same result with a far louder Beem and a few unseen laughter raging from the crowd that seemed to melt his confidence.

"One more time!" He said after the tenth time, his clothes all drenched with sweat like the rain.

But Mr. Jail growled.

"What do you take me for? A fool? Isn't it quite obvious that the Clave family has run bankrupt?" He glared.

Linda shook her head. She had met a lot of people like him, trying to impress her with what they didn't have.

A cold shiver ran through Clinton's body as the cold stare from the crowd that felt that had wasted their applause lodged at him from behind like deadly stabs.

"Just let me call my bank manager! It had to be a mistake somewhere! Everyone knows the Clave family. There's no way we're bankrupt."

"Shut the crap!" An unseen person shouted from the crowd, an egg lodged right into Clinton's face like they had kept it in wait for his disgraceful moment all along.

They laughed at him while the Jailer attempted to leave. Linda wished she could help but all her money just went into the latest cooperation crisis that she was trying to curb.

She looked at Lily, the little girl with pity. Knowing exactly what was done to little girls like this, she was not going to forgive herself.

Linda was about to stoop so low to beg when suddenly, Jim stepped forward and muttered with a bold look.

"Since Clinton couldn't help. I don't think there would be a need to waste any more of our time.

Debit my card!" Jim's words were followed with a strong air of confidence.

The crowd paused, petrified by the words that they just heard. Taking it that they had seen wrong? They all stared at Jim's plain clothes once again.

Clinton was more shocked as he paired at the card that even looked fake. So dark that the details of it were__ barely seen.

"What does he think that he is doing?" One person from the crowd yelled and consciousness gradually slipped back into the crowd.

"I think that he might have hit his head on a rock. If he was so able to afford such a moment of money to help someone.

Why is he still looking like he is wearing goat hair?

As they would always say, anything for love!"

While they continued to mock Jim and humiliate him, Clinton stepped forward, the shame that was once directed towards him now fully flagged at Jim.

"Do you think the amount that he mentioned, fifty thousand dollars, equates to fifty coins or pennies? He meant ten thousand dollars if you didn't hear right!"

"I heard correctly well Clinton. I wish you had the same hearing sense. Maybe you would have avoided fooling yourself?"

Clinton's face suddenly grew hot red with rage hearing these words. He could not believe that they were just shot at him from a poor-looking piece of trash like Jim.

However, he had to use the spark of the moment, to make up for the embarrassment that he had faced just a while ago. Calming his nerves with a breathing technique

"We are not in the same position Clinton. Everyone knows my family. I just had a little trouble.

But for you, everyone can attest to the fact that you are just worthless pieces of trash that cannot make ends with your promises.

I know you are trying to impress Miss. Linda here who so unfortunately is far from your league. But you don't have to fool yourself by trying to impress someone.

You could always step back and together with Linda as people with worth, we will look for a solution!" Clinton smirked at Jim.

Everyone expected him to pull off already. But his gaze remained firm. Not moving.

"You already took whatever shot of disgrace here. Let's get this done already Mr. Jail. I don't have all the time to be the poor heir of some broke family!"

Mr. Jail fixed his machine again with a frown, eventually handing it over to Him as anger laced his face.

He never felt that Clinton would be able to save the girl. The only person that he was afraid of was Mr. Linda.

And from the looks that graced her face, his years of experience told him that she was facing some financial issues.

And taking us someone else's weight would be a course just too impossible.

His gaze interlocked with that of the young girl causing her to shiver.

"There's no one that can save you now! You're going to get under my wings!" Mr. Jail almost choked with an evil smile on his face.

However, the sudden beeping of the machine suddenly snapped him off from his thoughts, acting like a stab right through his heart.

"The transaction of fifty thousand dollars was successful. Proceed to retrieve your card."

It read and their hearts all froze as it rippled from the air into their ears.

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