The First Encounter Part 5B

Chapter 33

The First Encounter

Part 5B

“We need to move from here; the monsters are coming; he is coming, he is coming; and we are all going to be dead." That was the only word that came out of his mouth, and then all he did was stare at the man standing beside him, although his body was shaking, like somebody who is scared or feeling cold, but his eyes were totally blank, like a blind guy who is just looking but not seeing anything. 

From the blank way he was looking at him, the emperor noticed that the boy was looking at something else, and most probably he also got, “The lost art.” As one of the few humans on this planet who has knowledge of “the lost art” and has learned a few of its skills, he can tell that this boy has it. This is his first encounter with not one but two unexpected individuals in an expected situation with unexpected knowledge. While Juian was talking to the emperor, the skill foresight was activated, and he was not actually looking at or talking to the emperor, but he was talking to himself. He finally noticed the hand on his shoulder when Emperor Haider shook him and asked him, "Son, what's going on? What are you talking about?". Julian looked at him once more and remembered that he had some skills the emperor himself had, specifically one skill if he could at least understand what was going on, or at least that is what he thinks.

Julian was in fact not looking at the emperor or talking to him either, but with a touch on his shoulder, he noticed him, and at the same moment, the screen with information about the emperor was displayed in front of him now, with more details than the first time he saw it.

While Juian was talking to the emperor, the skill foresight was activated, and he was not actually looking at or talking to the emperor, but he was talking to himself. He finally noticed the hand on his shoulder when Emperor Haider shook him and asked him, "Son, what's going on? What are you talking about?". Julian looked at him once more and remembered that he had some skills the emperor himself had, specifically one skill if he could at least understand what was going on, or at least that is what he thinks. 

And the screen with information about the emperor displayed in front of him. 

Name: Emperor Haider

Age: 29

Race: Human

Rank: Emperor (Ruler of the Manuhunter Empire)

Status: Injured



Active Skill

Skill Level: 2

Skill Point: 4

Skill Descriptions:

Judgment is a one-of-a kind skill that makes you able to judge with multiple different uses, limited only to the imagination of the user. It can be used on anyone and in any situation*. Remember, no one can know the intention of someone else; you can only judge someone by his or her actions. 

Light Sword

Active Skill

Skill Level: 3

Skill Point: 5

Skill Descriptions:

Ancient martial art used the sword-less type, which enables you to produce using any crystal elements* and could be applied to all types of material swords.

Fear Eyes

        Passive Skill

Skill Level: 2

Skill Point: 3

Skill Descriptions:

Unable to display a description of this skill, you don’t have enough points.


        Active Skill 

Skill Level: 6

Skill Point: 6

Skill Descriptions:

Predict is not an open-ended prediction skill, but it’s a very useful skill in many situations. Within a limited window of time, if you concentrate, you can predict what will happen in a set location within a set time frame. The control of the location, time, and duration depends on the skill levels and points available.

Intelligence: 140

Gifts: Peacemaking

Grade: 2

Phase: 1

Points: 0

The first thing he noticed now was that he still had the injured statues from the first time. Although there is nothing showing on him, not at all, no bleeding anywhere on his body or any blood on any of his clothes, he looks totally fine like anyone else, so why is his statue showing as injured?. Then the first skill judgment, a mystery by itself, but for some reason he had the feeling that that skill was more than it appeared, just a feeling since he never had any previous experience with any skills and he doesn’t know how it works, or even why it works, or what it is to begin with.

The young boy was still out of it, so I had to shake him slowly and gently to make him focus, and then I asked him, “Who is coming?” I wish I could have said something else to ease his anxiety and calm him down, but that was what came out of my mouth. Maybe it’s the curse of the authority of being a ruler. That question was the first thing that came to mind. Then I tried to smile at least while saying, “Calm down, calm down; it’s going to be alright." Now he was looking at me differently than before, although I am not even sure if he was looking at me before. He turned his heads on both sides like he was looking for someone or something, then once more he looked at me for a second, then looked up in the sky, saying that we are not going to die all of us as he said, but I knew the danger we are facing if my enemy still insists on chasing me, and without me even noticing, I found myself doing the same thing he did, looking around and then looking up, but there was nothing to see up there or down here, so I had asked now because I really became worried about him and his health. I wished to assure him that we are not going to die all of us as he said, but I knew the danger we are facing if my enemy still insists on chasing me and my family. I can’t guarantee anybody’s safety. I will do my best to take care of family; that is the most that I can do, but I couldn’t say that to him. All I was able to say was, “What wrong? You can talk to me; there is no one here that will kill us all. Don't worry." 

The boy didn’t look assured by what I said; on the contrary, he became more rigid, stiff, and restless, although I was still holding his shoulders. “We will die, all of us; he will kill us; believe me when we need to leave; we don’t have much time.” Strangely, it may seem to be that the boy was talking normally to me now, so I guess I have to repeat it for him to believe me, not like I believe it myself. “It’s going to be night soon; we have a few hours of sunlight remaining, and we can’t travel again now, so we have to spend the night here and in the morning we will leave,” I told myself. He is just a boy, and he got scared from the fight before, which is why even he lost consciousness because of it. “How about you stay with my family? I think that is the safest place in the camp” at least I can keep an eye on him also it’s not a coincidence that he look that much like Jack, but I don’t think he was even listening to what I said, the next thing he said made me almost jump back, it was the last thing I have ever expected to hear it from anyone on this planet, it’s not just a secret it the only secret in my life that even my wife or any human a life that I know of was aware of, “Use your skill, Judgment then you will believe me” that is exactly what he said, I froze in my place and I almost stated shaking from the shock, the shock I felt at that moment was more Sevier that when I found out that there was a coup against me and had been chased away from my country.

How on earth is it possible that this young boy knows about my secret and my biggest secret of all things? How is that even possible? Did I hear it wrong? Absolutely not he used skill with name; this issue with skills and the lost secret art was in mind a few minutes ago. The other boy also exhibited the skills of the lost art in front of me, so this strange group who claims they came from different parts of this planet being aware of the existence of the lost arts skills and using them was one of the strangest things that could happen at any given moment, but knowing my secret art skill and by name is also something I can’t imagine even with our technology level, so I had to make sure I heard him correctly, so I asked him, "Can you please repeat one more time what do you want me to use?” The boy didn’t even hesitate and said one more time, “Believe me, we don’t have time. If we don’t leave as soon as possible, this whole area will be flooded by monsters, and he will come, and when he does, we will all die. If you don’t believe me, use your Predict skill, and you will see it.”.

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