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Whispers of war
last update2022-07-11 11:38:45

Zamu walked down the artificial garden with artificial flowers and leaves made from Shandar technology. Fabricated birds flitted across his vision and he smiled,their chirps and the sound of their wings lending him peace as he felt his body relax. He had been in Tuli's residence for two days now and the prince had not summoned him. He shrugged. He was enjoying his life here but somehow, a nagging feeling tugged within for he knew that it would soon fall apart and there would be a price that he may not be able to pay. He heard footsteps behind him and turned swiftly only to see Resi walking up to him, beaming. She looked even more beautiful than before, wearing a long gown that hugged her full figure, her brown eyes glittering with playfulness and health, her full lips, painted black to compliment her dark skin were turned up in a smile. She wore slippers that seemed to be made of gold and on her neck was a pendant infused with blue Flatlight. 

"I've been looking for you. You've been enjoying yourself, I see. Not trying to scowl a rock into submission, eh?" She said and laughed. He chuckled a bit and turned away from her, his face losing some of it's calmness.

"You're thinking of it too, aren't you?" She asked, frowning a little. He nodded.

"He had been very generous to us. Actually, generous is a vast understatement and I know that he will soon ask something of me, something terrible, something I might not want to do and truth is, after tasting this life, I'd probably do it." He said and sighed. She walked up to him and rested her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"We've always gotten through terrible stuff. We will get through this. Somehow we will." She whispered and he nodded, pulling away from her. He looked over her head and saw Tuli walking towards them. The man wore a violet shirt and dark blue trousers. He walked barefoot, casually observing the flowers, not even pretending that he'd seen them. Zamu frowned, inhaling deeply and walked to him, clenching his fists to give him some sort of anchor for what he was about to say. The man exuded an air of superiority and confidence that made everything and everyone around him seem small. It also did not help that the prince was currently not looking at him, preferring to observe the flowers. Zamu moistened his lips and opened his mouth to speak but he was interrupted when Tuli turned to focus his full red gaze on him.

"Mm. You look splendid today, friend. And I know what you want to say. How could I not? It is common knowledge that nothing goes for nothing and you are probably wondering what I require from you, no?" He asked and Zamu gaped at him, surprised, taken aback by the fact that the man had read him so thoroughly. Tuli giggled, covering his mouth with his left hand and Zamu raised a surprised eyebrow at such a feminine behavior coming from a man as powerful as Tuli. 

"Oh, do not be surprised. If you've lived a thousand years and had as many conversations and encounters as I've had, you begin to notice a pattern, a repetition. Now, you ask what I require? It's simple. I would like to train you to guard me." He said and smiled, clearly enjoying Zamu's confusion. Zamu looked at him quizzically and he walked past the man to Resi who also had the same look her brother had.

"What do you think, Dove? It's a decent offer, is it not?" He asked and she gave him a mistrustful look.

"Just that? There is nothing else." She said and he laughed.

"Of course I live a very dangerous life. He will need training and he will have his own lands, quarters, weapons and if he serves well, I can petition father to extend his lifespan. My father will be infuriated at me for claiming a cursed but I can convince him, I'm sure. Elek has a few of his so....." He said and turned to look at Zamu who nodded.

" So my only job will be to guard you....forever?" He asked and Tuli waved his hand as if swatting a fly.

"You will have wealth beyond your loosest dreams, power, fame and....ah, whatever else takes your fancy. You are different now, important. You have to embrace it. Also, you'll have more free time than you expect." He said and winked at Zamu. Resi raised her head, looking Tuli in the eye.

"What about me?" She asked and he raised his eyebrow in silent inquiry.

"What plans do you have for me?" She asked and Tuli shook his head slowly, smiling.

"Nothing really, but I expect your life will be much better henceforth. But tell me. Is there anything special you require?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. She nodded.

"I want to train as a soldier. I have spent most of my life living in fear and weakness. I want to be strong, powerful." She said and Zamu made to speak but she shook her head vigorously, stopping him.

"This is my decision, Zamu. You cannot protect me forever like I'm some fragile egg. " She said and Tuli nodded, smiling.

"Done." He said and turned to Zamu. "So, what do you say, friend, about being my body guard?" 

Zamu furrowed his brow in thought and memories of the reservations can flooding back, of his labors in the Shandar mines, of his mother and the stench and poverty. He looked up at Tuli who was looking upwards, squinting at the sky, a faint smile on his face.

"Fine. I'll do it. I'll let you train me to be your bodyguard." He said. Tuli nodded and slapped his shoulder, grinning.

"Wonderful decision. I believe in time, you'll be a formidable force. Ah, it's not flattery. I mean it." He said and turned to leave. He stopped suddenly and turned, sniffing like a bloodhound. He then smiled. 

"Come up out of the ground, brother. I can smell you." He said and the ground swelled to a mound then burst open. A tall young man stepped out. He wore only a baggy, brown trousers that was pulled down low just above his crotch, revealing a flawless, lean body with a birthmark in the shape of a snake biting it's tail on his lower abdomen. He was barefoot and his hair hung down in dreadlocks, touching his lower back. He grinned at his brother, his purple eyes flashing.

"But It took you longer this time. You must admit, I am improving. None of your guards spotted me." He said and laughed then he turned to Zamu, his eyes turning cold.

"Who is this one?" He asked and Tuli raised an eyebrow but remained silent. Zamu took in the casual arrogance in the posture of the young man, the relaxed pose that hid a warrior's speed and he felt anger rise within him but he also felt awe at the display of skill by the young man.

"My name is Zamu and who are you." He asked. The man turned on Tuli, smiled and turned back to Zamu.

"You're not very bright, yes?" He asked and Zamu felt all his awe replaced by rage. Tuli stepped in then, smiling.

"Now, now. Zamu, this is my brother, Mmuo. Mmuo, this is Zamu and his beautiful sister, Ah....Razu, I think? Sorry if I got it wrong." He said and gave an apologetic smile to Resi. She sneered and turned to face Mmuo who raised an eyebrow at her.

"She is beautiful. Is she yours, brother?" He asked and Zamu hissed. Mmuo turned to look at him with amusement.

"You know who I am, what I am? You know I could kill you now and no one would ask about you? You know that I could take your sister and nothing will happen. You know?" He asked and Tuli gripped the man's shoulder.

"Nothing of that sort will happen, brother. I have named this man my friend and he will soon be my bodyguard. Besides, he is a shader and as such, very important. Now, cool your tongue." He said and Tuli frowned, turning to look at Zamu with a surprise that was quickly masked. He waved a dismissive hand and walked forward, signaling for Tuli to follow. When both men were out of earshot, Mmuo locked gazes with Tuli.

"I'm afraid there is bad news, brother. The mountain holds have been breached. I heard of it this morning. The armies of the whip masquerades and formless priests have broken through. Elek has taken the lowland pass and is there with fifty thousand men. Father will summon us soon, I expect. War has started." He said. Tuli nodded, rubbing his temples then he clamped his hand on his brother's shoulder.

" It is as it always was. We have pushed them back five hundred times in the last three thousand years. Now is no different. Do not fret, brother. Have you recovered?" He asked and raised an eyebrow. Their father's punishments always affected Mmuo the most as he was the youngest. He nodded and nodded again as if convincing himself. Tuli smiled.

"Very well then, brother. Prepare yourself for battle." He said and a smile stole over his handsome face.

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    He stood observing the men before him, enduring the harsh harmattan breeze that sucked all moisture from his skin. He saw some of them show signs of their displeasure and he frowned, staring them down with his orange eyes, tightening his fists. They were Tije. The Royal army that was made up only of the king's sons. They were his brothers, so to speak but they were not a part of the princes. They did not have the curse about them. He had a thousand and eighty six brothers of which he was the five hundred and fifty fourth. But he ranked far above them because he was a Viner. His father was the emperor of the dried lands, a place that had been known as Nigeria before the great eruption, five thousand years ago. An event that obliterated the lands beyond the seas and birthed the first of the cursed. His father had tried to bear cursed sons and even after countless tries over five thousand years, he had birthed only four who possessed one out of the three curses. He had gathered the rest

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