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Whispers of Wealth: The Mysterious Son-in-law Ch - 75 : Mother
Only Mark knew how he had managed to spend the dark and gloomy hours of the night.And the moment the Goddess of Sleep finally decided to grace him with her kindness, his phone started ringing.Quickly opening his eyes, he received the call and heard about Connor getting a stroke. Immediately, he understood the fact that there was indeed something hidden from his eyes, that was yet to come to the surface.Mentioning to keep him updated, he decided to return to Rover mansion, as there were some things that Grandpa should know now, and also there are few things he wanted to ask him.Dropping a text to Alex, he stepped out of the room and headed towards his car.The drive was making him feel like the journey was never going to end.He was feeling like he had been on an endless journey in his life, and now, he didn't even remember the destination he had initially aimed for. In the middle of all this chaos, he had lost his real self.He had never felt this way before, even when he didn't h
Whispers of Wealth: The Mysterious Son-in-law Ch- 76 : Bunch of idiots
Mark's POV :I have heard somewhere, that whatever we do in our life, one day or the other it comes in front of us for sure.No matter how far we have walked since then, or how long of a leap we have taken.And this goes for both good and bad… but when I had read all of this wisdom, it was at a time when I used to believe that everyone has their own reasons to be bad or good.But after Grandpa told me about Anthony Sinclair, it made me think that this is real life and there are a bunch of idiots here, who are bad for everyone- for no apparent reason.They just think that once you have helped them out of your own goodwill and for no other apparent reason, then it has somehow become their right to get everything from you, for free.Before I got to hear this side of the story, Andrew was the only person in this list who seemed somewhat the most appropriate person to fit in this category.But the man Matteo was supposed to meet was one of his kind as well, thank God that I haven't had any
Whispers of Wealth: The Mysterious Son-in-law Ch -77 : Narrow Escape
Everyone stood up from their places the moment Jury entered the courtroom.Although Mark knew that they had every proof to pronounce Moira, Andrew, Mariella and Connor guilty, the court was definitely going to take one or two more trials to press their sentence.Especially after the fact that Connor Lawrence had really suffered a heart stroke.At the same time, he was still slightly positive that Andrew, Moira and Mariella Holmes might be sentenced today… but he was still feeling extremely uneasy in his heart.He didn't know the reason behind this absurd reaction by his body… was all of it related to the decision of the jury, or was it related to seeing Cassie sitting by the opposing lawyer?As he was sinking into the quagmire of this dilemma, he felt a hand on his shoulder and a sudden sense of calmness started to spread through his body.He noticed that it was Alex who took his seat by his side, and quickly leaned towards him to whisper in his ears;"Marcus, chill. Everything is sor
Whispers of Wealth: The Mysterious Son-in-law Ch -78 : Pawn
Mark's POV:Tension, frustration, hatred, betrayal… and now, jealousy! Bravo, my brain!I don't know whether I was supposed to reward my brain for giving me the precious opportunity to experience all these different emotions at once, or if I should just mourn about how stupid it was acting! Because I might claim to be a fully grown, mature man, but my brain was indeed opting for the contrarian route and was adamant on acting like a pathetic teenager.A teenager who was both sad and mad qt the entire world, because the world had shown him the fact that all his dreams were not going to turn into reality, and some of them could be dangerous to him as well.Because unlike every rebellious teenager my brain was not just ready to start the revolution against this agenda of the world, but it had also denied the existence of anything known as a soft corner from the very beginning. It had burned any bridges and even razed entire cities to the ground! For example, even though Cassie was stan
Whispers of Wealth: The Mysterious Son-in-law Ch - 79 : Proof !
"So it was you who had planted the seeds of poison in our relationship."Cassie spoke the most bitter sentence she had ever imagined saying to someone, in her entire life… but she couldn't help it, because she felt the taste of venom on her tongue as soon as she heard him say those words. After all that had happened with her in the last few days, it had somehow made her bitter towards everyone, apart from Mark.Judging by the way he was commanding Violet and she was receiving his instructions obediently, this was a clear indication that Alex was familiar with her too.The tree of jealousy had already started spreading its roots in her heart and stretching its black branches through her entire being, after seeing Violet wrapping her arms around Mark many times, and Mark reacting positively to it.And now… this statement of Alex had made her believe that somehow, these two people were the antagonists of her love story… her entire life! She indeed wanted to say something further but he
Whispers of Wealth: The Mysterious Son-in-law Ch - 80 : Happy memories
Cassie's voice had drawn the attention of every single person inside the courtroom, including the people she knew. In fact, she received even more curiosity from the people she didn't know at all.Everyone present there had different expectations from her, ever since she had shown up in the courtroom this morning.Alex pursed his lips, waiting to see what she would do next. Ever since she had claimed that she could prove her loyalty and innocence, he had been curious to see if she just wanted to deceive them with her acts once again, or if she really had a plan. On the other hand, Mark regarded her with a wary look. He had never wanted her to put herself in the limelight just to make him trust her again, all he had wanted from her was a simple explanation.One explanation- that would be enough for him to know that she still cared about him and their marriage… and she could just as easily give him that explanation in private, as he didn't care about the opinion of anyone else. Viol
Whispers of Wealth: The Mysterious Son-in-law Ch- 81 : The Verdict
"Your Honor, this is unnecessary emotional manipulation-""I am just being honest, Mr. Hathen," this time, it was Cassie who took a stand for herself.She then turned away from him, and spoke again;"There is more, your Honor. As per the previous testimony, even though the car involved in the crash was listed under the name of Connor Lawrence, the accident was said to be caused by a driver, Mr. Rogers. But the truth is, that driver was never associated with the Lawrence family, in fact, he was the Holmes family driver."Gasps filled the courtroom, as she spoke;"Moira and I had arrived by car, driven by Mr. Rogers, the Holmes family's chauffeur. Connor and Andrew were supposed to join us at the club, driven by Connor himself.And Mr Rogers wasn't even present at La Priveé around the time of the accident, because he was at the Holmes family Mansion to drop me off, in the car we had arrived in.""I object, Your Honor!"Mr. Hathen rose from his seat once again, speaking loudly;"Doesn'
Whispers of Wealth: The Mysterious Son-in-law Ch - 82 : Snake
Mark's POV:I don't know what was going on in my head, after entering the trial room.The fact that I was disturbed by Cassie's presence here was true, but the effect of seeing Cassie and Violet talking to each other was something else.Yes! This was also disturbing me.But the thing that was disturbing me the most was, what was she planning to say next? Because although I had the proof within my hands, I know that Cassie was the eye- witness that day, even if she was not the direct witness for Matteo's death.But she still was the eye witness for all the things Moira had done, and the argument following that. She was the only person apart from the culprits right now, who could prove that they had been present there that night. And they were not out of the country, as it had been stated earlier.According to the public records, the closing argument for the previous case had been that the driver was the one who was driving the Lawrence family's car when Matteo had barged into their c
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Ch- 197 : Whispers of wealth
As soon as Romera announced this, the illusion of serenity Matthew and Maxwell had carefully maintained, shattered within seconds. Suddenly, the air thickened with a sense of urgency as the so- called experienced and level headed, patriarchs, who had initially dismissed the commotion as typical chaos, were now confronted with the reality that the moment they had anticipated had arrived.Matthew's composed expression faltered as he stepped forward. "Hospital? Right now?" He exclaimed, his voice betraying a hint of anxiety.Maxwell, echoing his son's newfound apprehension, quickly abandoned the cloak of nonchalance. "Well, what are you waiting for! Marcus, hurry up! Just get the car ready. We can't keep her waiting, Cassie is in labor!"In the blink of an eye, they found themselves swept up in the same sense of urgency that had gripped Mark, Alex, and Violet moments earlier."Someone! Call the drivers quickly! And please inform the hospital, so they can keep everything ready for our
Ch -196 : Crash course
While Alex was teasing her relentlessly Mark declared, "Don't pay attention to him, Vi! Currently, you are my favorite because you are actually getting on the plan of finding a boyfriend, unlike your brother! He keeps ignoring my advice to find someone…"In response, Violet stuck out her tongue at Alex, who asked;"Are you seriously talking about getting her married? When she is still five?"Before Violet could reply, there was a knock on the door as a staff member entered."Young Masters, Young Miss, everyone is waiting for you downstairs.""Oh yes! I forgot to tell you that Cassie is already downstairs, so you are missing out on the photoshoot!"Half an hour later, the photoshoot had been wrapped up, and everyone was sitting at the dinner table, which was alive with laughter and chit chat.Mark had checked in with Cassie many times that night, to ask if she was tired and needed rest, but she had declined every single time, saying that she was having too much fun. Finally, as midni
Ch-195 : Nursery
Violet happily clapped her hands with delight on getting Cassie's validation, and it seemed like something suddenly clicked in her mind."Oh! I almost forgot! I didn't come inside only to claim my credit, but also because I have to get to to the room to change.""Change? But… haven't we already cut the cake?"Cassie asked in confusion, wondering exactly how big of a party they had planned in just one afternoon.Violet smiled mysteriously,"Well… technically, I'm not supposed to spill…"Cassie gave her a teasing smirk before replying,"Hm… I could just tell the babies that uncle Alex did all the hard work for the nursery…""No no no!" Violet immediately piped up, "I'll tell you everything, just don't give him the credit!"Alex and Mark burst out into laughter, as he remarked;"Very well done, Cass! I think you are finally getting the hang of how to tackle our little brat!"Violet glared at them as she said,"Just come with me and I'll show you the dress I've arranged for you. It's a be
Ch-194 : Surprise party
The moment Cassie, Mark, and Romera entered the Rover Mansion, they were greeted by an enthusiastic group consisting of Violet, Alex, Matthew, Maxwell, and Alex's parents, Evelyn and Noah. "Surprise!" Smiles and excitement lit up their faces as they announced, and Cassie couldn't help but wonder about the unexpected welcome.Violet, with her trademark mischievous grin, stepped forward and said, "Well, Cassie, while you were relaxing at the spa, we've been busy planning a small party for you!"Cassie's eyes widened with curiosity and anticipation. She exchanged puzzled glances with Mark, who wore a playful smile, clearly in on the secret. "Party? But didn't we already have a shower?"Alex's mother, Evelyn, stepped forward now."Of course, dear. But with the hospital scare and everything else, we thought, why shouldn't we hold a small get together to celebrate your wonderful pregnancy?"Cassie's eyes were moist as she said,"Really? I am so happy that you all took out time from your
Ch- 193 : Lucky stars
But before Romera could have said something or could have inquired about what was happening in reality, the man who had just arrived there a few minutes ago, recognised her.After spotting someone from the Rover family, it made him feel like he had taken the best decision of his life by arriving there.Because there was no way that he would end up in a spa, just because his wife was having trouble with some delivery boy.Even if she was suspicious of him stealing the phone from Marcus Rover… it was not connecting any dots or making any sense to him for him to rush towards her on one call for no benefit for his own self.However, it seemed like his lucky stars had showered their blessings on him today! Because after seeing Lady Romera Rover there, he quickly jumped to the conclusion that his wife had been speaking the truth all this time, and the man standing a few meters away from him, with his back on his side was indeed the thief who had taken the opportunity to steal the phone fro
Ch -192 : Offense
Natalie recoiled in horror after seeing that she was not able to hit Cassie, and that Mark had dared to hold her hand with his dirty hands which he used to clean the dirty plates of people after they finished eating… She felt disgusted and humiliated at the same time. The flame of anger started to boil her blood, as there was no way she was going to lose this low class poor peasant, not in her entire lifetime! She could not just take it simply, thinking that, she jerked her hand out of his grip and raised it again, to hit Mark this time.But before she could have done that, Mark anticipated her move and grabbed her hand just as it came close to his face. This time, she became even more frantic. The humiliation was killing her from the inside, it was the first time someone as low as a waiter had the audacity to disrespect her repeatedly, and without even a hint of remorse. The people who had to do lowly jobs like this were nothing more than the worms of gutter in her eyes, whom she
Ch -191 : Ungrateful
"If I am not going to shut up, then tell me, what are you going to do ? Because trust me, I will not shut up about the wrong act you two are doing.I will not sit back and turn a blind eye to it, and I will not rest until I have brought you to justice. Now, tell me what are you gonna do about it?"Natalie retorted like a wounded snake, who had tried its best to show that it was there as a true friend. But when people had not accepted its lies and had started to protect themselves, then it had started to react by hissing and threatening to bite. She knew that at the point where she was standing, everybody there worshiped money. And right now she was the one who had plenty of it, but then also, she was the one who had been humiliated by the person whom she wouldn't even consider worthy of keeping as a house help.This was why her voice was more harsh and piercing shrill, making them realize how a person from low class society should live, and how they were being treated by the people
Ch - 190 : Low class
While Natalie was screaming like a banshee at the top of her lungs, her husband was listening very carefully to everything that was going on at the other side of the call.At first, he had just told her that he was willing to do whatever she wanted him to do– from introducing her friend to the single people in his circles, to getting the person a job and a good tip if he knelt down and apologized to his wife for whatever he had done to offend her.But the moment he heard his wife talking about the most expensive phone in the world, he knew right away that it was the same phone his wife had been asking him to buy and he wasn't even able to get a slot in the guest list.He knew that only a limited number of those phones had been sold, and this model was under the ownership of only three people in the whole world. So if the doubt in his wife's mind was true, then there was a high chance that he could really get the opportunity to meet the Rover family in person.Till now, he had just se
Ch -189 : Thief
The words that echoed from the phone speaker made everyone turn their head towards Natalie. She was getting happier and happier with each passing minute, and the pride on her face was clear.Till this point, she was just saying everything boldly without having any assurance to back up her claims.Whether everything she had said was going to come true in reality or not… this was a doubt in her own mind.But she didn't want to show it in front of them, as all she wanted from Mark was an apology for the humiliation he had caused.However, her husband's words had made her more confident, and she knew that now she would be able to do anything she wanted because her husband was going to support her.So before anyone could have got any chance to reply to the person over the call, she spoke up. "Aww! Cassie ! Look, this is how a real man should act and how they act in real life! This is my darling husband on the call, and look how he is ready to do anything and bring me everything that I wi