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As the Jaguinns raced down the Jungle at neck breaking speeds, all four of the girls held onto the beast as tightly as they could, with Charlie sitting comfortably at the front.Alice was on the neck of the beast, grabbing onto what little fur it had with her life.Behind her was Crystal, who did the same.And behind her was Suzuki, with teary eyes, silently whispering words to herself with a crazed expression on her face.And finally at the rear end was Janet."I guess they weren't kidding when they said these things are fast!!!" Said Alice.Suzuki, Crystal and Janet all looked at her for a moment before yelling. "HUH?!!!!!" "I guess the winds too strong huh?" Alice thought to herself, "I said, THESE THINGS ARE FAST!!!!" she yelled.""YEAH, I FEEL LIKE I'LL FALL OFF IF I LET GO FOR EVEN A SECOND!" yelled Crystal."CAN'T YOU TELL MR. CHARLIE TO GO ANY SLOWER?!!!" yelled Janet."LEMME TRY!!!" yelled Alice."MR. STEV- I MEAN MR. CHARLIE, COULD YOU SLOW THIS THING DOWN A LITTLE?!!" yell
White Alchemist The pit
As the sound of heavy chains banging on the ground resounded throughout the area, screams from a lot of different people cane flying out, accompanied by slurs and screams of agony.Despite all this though, all that screaming was mostly muffled out to Earl, instead, the sounds of his and Kipple's footsteps were a lot louder.The gravity of the situation he was in just dawned upon him. He was headed into the worst possible prison that a strange foreign land had to offer.The words of Chief Uvo revisited his mind, as the loud sound of his and Kipple's footsteps continued to ring in his head."The pit?! It's filled with murderers, rapists, thieves, basically the worst of the worst type of prisoners you could find there.In fact, it's basically death row, but instead working ourselves to kill them, some of the council members decided that giving the criminals a chance to rejoin society if they killed every other person would be a better decision.The king was against this, but I've already
White Alchemist Him... A rather long night
As Earl laid down in the cell, on the cold hard floor, with one leg atop the other, and both hands nestled under his head like a pillow, his eyes were wide open as he stared up at the ceiling.The snoring from the other rooms and from a sleeping Tyger filled the entire prison, with a few screams still coming through as well.Kipple was sat outside the cell with both his eyes closed and his head hung low, but it was hard to tell if he was sleeping or not."The day after tomorrow... is my first fight here? I wonder if all these guys are as strong as Kipple, cuz then I'd definitely lose.If only I wasn't below 30% in power. Well, I have to go through tomorrow while protecting myself and Tyger though.Can't believe that he's sleeping so peacefully in this metal box, I guess that's what you get from the son of the Chief of the Drakemen though, and why is he so cool looking and yet so weak?" thought Earl.As the gentle breeze that slipped in through the small window blew his hair ever so sl
White Alchemist His first day
As the rising morning sun shone through the small window in Earl's cell, Kipple, who was sat in front of the door slammed his spear into the ground twice, making a loud thud.Earl, who was still lying on the floor simply got up seamlessly and easily, sitting down and facing the wall.Tyger on the other hand got up and began rubbing his eyes violently with a grumpy look on his face."What's your problem Kipple?!" Said Tyger as he too barely managed to sit up while facing Kipple."It's morning, you guys have slept enough, you can use from now till 3 in the afternoon to do whatever you want, but I'd like to discuss some things with the two of you" said Kipple as he sat down in front of the cell.".... hmph...." said Tyger as he sat down crossed legged and folded his arms with his eyes closed."Morning Sir Kipple, please go on ahead, I'm listening" said Earl as he sat down facing the wall."Alright then, I'll make it short, I can't necessarily be caught talking to the prisoners for long,
White Alchemist A bird?
As Janet and Alice quietly looked on curiously at the bird that sat eating Alice's prey, a question escaped both the girl's mouths."What's a teenage snow wind doing here?" Asked both girls in sync. The bird in question had a stoic look on his face and just continued to munch down on lower half of the owl bear.As the girls exchanged looks and turned their attention to the bird, Janet pushed Alice off of her and got on her feet."Get off of me!!!" Said Janet as she got on her feet and began dusting off herself."Yeah whatever, like you weren't the one who tackled me first" said Alice. "That doesn't matter, what's more important is getting back to the group with what little we have..." said Janet."But this isn't even close to the natural habitat of a teenage snow wind, I wonder what it's doing here" said Alice."Yeah, that is a mystery, and I feel like I've seen it before" said Janet. As the two stood squinting eyes at the bird trying to remember it, Alice's eyes shot open with realis
White Alchemist Night time and a morning surprise
After they all, finished eating nothing short of a delicious meal, stars had covered the night star, and everyone was getting ready to enter into the tents for the night, everyone except Charlie that is."Um... Charlie, sir?" Said Suzuki, who was fully dressed in some red pajamas and was about entering into the tent, where Crystal was already sleeping with some blue pajamas."What is it Suzuki?" Asked Charlie as he was laid down on the fallen log, with the campfire still burning, and the map laid across his face."Are you going to bed out here? Isn't it cold? We have enough tents" asked Suzuki, "... don't worry about me, I'm keeping nightwatch, so I won't fall asleep, so you can just rest up instead" said Charlie."Oh... okay" said Suzuki as she was about to enter into the tent, "wait... instead, why don't you deal with that?" Said Charlie pointing at a second tent, with the shadows of two girls arguing inside of it, and audible insults being thrown around.A nervous sweat ran down th
White Alchemist Sidney Vs Spike
Sidney immediately dashed to the side the moment the whistle sounded, with Gy running beside him, shielding him from Spike's sights.While Scarecrow, Berry, and Octopus all dashed out towards Spike simultaneously."Creating cover while these ones attack me huh?" Thought Spike with a surprised face. "Nice, let's see how far you can go!!!" Said Spike with a smile as he too rushed out towards the three approaching soul puppets.Scarecrow was immediately in front of Spike, swinging it's huge arms with incredible speed at Spike.Spike was able to dodge and block all the attacks though, and with relative ease at that."This thing, it's slender and a lot faster than that multiple armed one at that. But is it just me, or are these things attacks getting stronger with each blow?" Thought Spike as each blow slowly became harder and harder.And not just that, each blow was faster than the last, each carrying incredible weight behind it, so much so that it began looking like scarecrow had the sam
White Alchemist Storm
As the announcement resounded throughout the field, Spike pulled out Sidney from the floor, and had a broad smile on his face."Looks like I won" said Spike, "yeah, but I knew you were severely holding back, afterall, all you got was a nosebleed from all that" said Sidney who wiped his nose clean of blood as well."I was holding back but still, your practically King tier by now, in terms of strength though, but I'd like to ask you something a bit more important right now.What did you learn from this?" Asked Spike."Well, for one, I'm really limited in the things I can do without things like talisman or runes, I relied too much on them before and I think I have to develop my alchemy more, even if I don't know how.Also, my speed isn't good enough. I'm pretty confident in my strength, but what's the point if I can't hit my target" said Sidney with a "critical thinking" face on as he stroked his chin."Yeah, your thinking in the right direction, but you should alsOughh!!!" Said Spike as
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Till next time.
With the pact made amongst one another, talks about the ORA continued, and eventually everyone started sharing their experiences specifically with them.One-way or the other, it eventually divulged into a topic of backstorues, making all the students share details of their transformations during the search for Sidney and Earl.They all were glad to hear that Williams lost his stutter. Hearing his back story and what happened to him only lit a fire in their hearts concerning the ORA.They'd hated them deeply already, but to think they'd take advantage of abandoned children like that... It reminded them that there was nothing the ORA weren't willing to do for their goal.Giving them all the more reason to train and become strong enough to fight them and take them down.Henry revealed the promise he made with his village elder, and everyone showed their support, especially Crystal and Ruby.Earl, Sidney, Annie, and Ruby never knew anything about this, and how could they? Henry was always
A pact formed, looking into the future
Jake laid down on his back, completely shocked silent. He watched Earl distinguished the attack he would've hit Jake with, before smiling and saying the words, "I win."It took a moment for Jake to realise it, but he'd lost the match. The final match in the mini tournament that they were holding, he'd lost that match. He'd lost to Earl.He was completely shocked by the whole thing. The moment he and Earl's fists collided, he felt the brunt of Earl's attack send him flying backwards, and he saw Earl fly off too.But it seemed Earl either recovered insanely quickly, or Jake was thrown a lot harder by Earl's attack than he would've liked to think he did.Before he knew it, Earl was standing over him with an attack ready to be launched straight at him.For some reason his mind went back to when they were kids, back when he'd bully Earl, call him names, and always boss his around because he was stronger than he was.He then remembered the fight that happened back in the entrance exams, the
Jake vs Earl, the final showdown
"Flaming lotus!" Said Earl. "Vortex!" Said Jake. "Whoa!" Said Sidney, "what the hell are those moves?" He asked. "I don't know... But this is getting fun," said Crystal.Both Crystal and Sidney knew that Earl was going to lose the contest no matter what. It didn't really matter what happened when it came to him, he'd already lost two matches, nothing could make up for that now.However the situation for Jake was different. If he won, he would 'officially' be the strongest soon to be second year student in the entire school.Earl wasn't fighting to win, or at least not to win the current mini tournament they were all having. He was fighting for his pride, he was fighting to win and prove himself.Jake was fighting for the same reason. For the longest time he'd been on top of Earl when it came to power and fighting prowess. Ever since Earl got his alchemy, he'd been growing extremely fast, but he still hadn't been able to beat Jake once.This fight wasn't just for the title of strongest
Match end, Final match start
As the smoke cleared from the battle fought, on the floor was Jake and Sidney, both with satisfied looks on their faces.Earl and Crystal had their mouths held open in complete shock. They had a feeling the match would end quickly, but not in one attack.Both of them had their mouths held open in complete and utter shock and confusion. Crystal slowly turned to look and Earl, and Earl slowly turned to look at Crystal."That was..." Said Earl, "... So cool," said Crystal. Their shocked expressions slowly turned into huge smiles."Those guys are crazy," laughed Crystal. "I know right... They're even crazier than I am," said Earl with a huge smile on his face.Both of them hopped down from the training dummies and made their way over to the middle of the training grounds.Sidney and Jake were both huffing and puffing on the floor, breathing heavily. Blood ran down the side of both their faces."Wh-what... are we gonna... do now?" Said Jake. "What do you mean?" Said Sidney, "I won that fig
Jake Vs Sidney
The explosion was large and huge, far bigger than what anyone was expecting. Not Jake, not Sidney, not Crystal, not Earl.However as the dust slowly settled, the aftermath came into view. The dome of crystals that Crystal had made to protect herself from Earl's attack was shattered to pieces, with only a few stems of crystals sticking out of the ground.Earl was standing there, with his hand held out, and with dust all over him. He began coughing as he waved his hand in front of his face, trying to clear away the dust.It didn't work very well. Earl opened one eye, looking at the place where Crystal was supposed to be. The dust hadn't cleared up, and as a result, he hadn't seen her to confirm she was down.'On second thought, maybe I used way too much firepower,' thought Earl, 'I hope she's okay,' he thought to himself.As he looked down into where she was once—the shattered dome of crystals, he saw a silhouette, one that closely resembled Crystal. It wasn't moving, and it was laid d
Winning, Earl Vs Crystal
Sidney was there, holding himself up using nothing but one of his hands, and with a crystal spike not too far away from his throat, he accepted whole heartedly that he lost the fight."I can win her in close quarters combat," said Crystal. "That's probably what you were thinking right?" She smiled. Sidney couldn't help but see the irony of the whole situation.He'd known that the Lloyd's were stronger than normal, but he'd put his hopes in his enhanced body holding out. And it was the right call at the end. He bet on himself and won.His enhanced body proved strong enough to withstand the 100% force of the Lloyd's, but what he'd misjudged was Crystal's battle iq.She waited for the instant his hand made contact with the floor and picked her moment to strike perfectly.As Sidney remained upside down, he dispersed the mana he'd gathered in his throat, allowing the tiny alchemy circle to show itself.A mouth came out from the alchemy circle, biting repeatedly like a pair of jittering tee
Sidney Vs Crystal
Earl was panting on the floor, pinned down by a butt load of straw, which doubled as the other end of Sidney's arm.Earl messed up. He'd let the curious side of him out too much, egging Sidney on to press on the offensive. This was what ultimately caused his failure. Earl hadn't even shown all the tricks he had up his sleeve. But to be fair, neither had Sidney, both men had simply fought, and one ended up being the winner.Earl didn't feel bad in the slightest though. The thrill of fighting Sidney for the first time left him with a smile on his face."That's the match!!!" Yelled Jake, "Sidney wins, and Earl loses!" He added. "You're amazing, Sid," said Earl, wide grin on his face as he remained pinned down. Sidney reverted back to normal, the straw dissipated.He walked over and held out his hand, "that was a lot harder than I expected," he smiled. Earl grabbed his hand, Sidney pulled him up."So you can like, transform into Gy now?" Asked Earl. "It's a new spell I got," said Sidney
A winner, Earl Vs Sidney
Chapters 225: A winner, Earl Vs SidneyCrystal still stayed in shock as she slowly turned her head around to see Jake. He had most likely used his wind to slow his fall so that when he landed next to her it would sound like he was farther away.She was still completely capable of fighting. They'd only just started the fight after all, and she hadn't shown all she had to offer, but the fight was already over.If this was a real fight to the death, he would've lopped off her head in that moment. Perhaps she was just overconfident before, but she'd been sloppy in her first match.No, she couldn't even make herself think she would've done better. There were still two people she would fight later, she could show more of her power then.As for now? She'd totally lost. A smile sat on her face. "Whoa... You weren't playing around," said Crystal. "I kept your face in tact, now you can seduce Henry another time without worrying about how pretty you are," Jake smirked."You think I'm pretty?" As
Jake vs Crystal
The rules of the mini-tournament were clear enough for everyone to follow. Whoever won the most battles would be the winner, and the ones who lost the most would be the fourth strongest.Though it wasn't completely official, it was still going to be had. The four of them knew that the difference in power between them would most likely be miniscule at best.Crystal was a natural talent, and she came from the family of the Lloyds, known for being incredible combatants. She was bound to be one of the strongest in the school from birth alone. Jake was the epitome of hard work. Luck was on his side from the beginning, so he was something of a big fish in a small pond.But now that he'd been introduced to the river, he still held his own. Wind alchemy wasn't seen as something incredible or noteworthy by most, but Jake had changed that fact in the minds of the students.He'd held his own as one of the strongest people amongst them, and he didn't look like he would stop growing anytime soon